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  1. There is a resistor in the unit that can blow. Either this or switch in the control unit is burnt out.
  2. Thanks for the info! I'll pass it along
  3. Have a customer looking for a water pump 316GC184NX. Obsolete, no stock, and no replacement.
  4. Alternate Mack # 85020108. This is the exchange number. PM if you still need one.
  5. Check the A/C control unit in the dash. Make sure the wiring harness isn't burning up. This has been a common issue since the R model.
  6. If you haven't already found the info you're after, most Renault #'s can be ordered by a Mack dealer. They need to add the prefix 4103- [Renault#]. I've tried the #'s you added but none came up. All E9's I've looked up had a 316GC274DX water pump though, 10 currently available. Everything else would need the VIN, even if it were a Renault VIN.
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