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  1. Removing some faded paint. Some of the paint will not polish up due to sun exposure for about 10 years sitting out doors. But some shines up pretty good.
  2. I bought ignition wire set (12 wires) for dual distrubitors. Some original wires were bare but not shorted.
  3. Original owner was Brigham City, Utah and later to Corrine Utah while title still held by Brigham City. So when I purchased it, it's as if I am the second owner. I just removed the left rear brake drum to repair a wheel cylinder leak. It has two cylinders type FF PER THE ORIGNAL MANUAL WHICH OVER 1 INCH THICK.
  4. 1963 C95F APPARATUS GETTING IT READY TO USE IN A FEW LOCAL PARADES. It runes ok but tires were shot. Had to buy 4 used bud wheels which I had powered coated red. Installed a new needle and seat. Engine is a straight 6 707c with dual igniton and fuel pumps. It was out of service for approximately 10 years sitting outside. I installed a good battery to check siren. Checked to see engine would turn over. Bumped it twice and it was not bound up. Third time, I bumped it for 3 seconds and to my surprise, it started running. The smell of bas gas! HAS A REAR WHEEL CYLINDER LEAK. now getting seats NEED INFO ON HORN BUTTON SPRING AND GROUNDING.
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