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    1973 Mack CF685
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  1. Thanks Mech. Yeah, anything that has been with a department for a long time. We had a couple 30-40 year old ALF pieces at my department in the late 70's that sometimes got used in a pinch.
  2. One of my grandsons asked me over the weekend if I knew what the record was for the longest serving piece of Mack fire apparatus in the U.S. I had to admit that I didn't know. Does anyone know? My truck served two different departments for 49 years before I bought it. I have to believe there are others out there that have served longer. Ed
  3. Mech, I understand. I'm 65 with back and neck issues, so I have my share of worn out items myself. Working in the confined spaces on this CF600 is challenging, but I'll get through it. Thanks for the info. Ed
  4. Love the older Mack's, Dave. Thanks for sharing. Ed
  5. It's being sold in the Fire & Police Equipment section. Ed
  6. There is an antique wood extension ladder being sold on govdeals.com. Auction closes on 8/31. Here is the listing: Used/See Description Fire and Police Equipment Antique Wooden Extension Ladder You don't see many of these anymore. Old wooden extension ladder used by our department decades ago. Would be a great decorative piece. Questions and Answers There are currently no questions posted for this asset. Ask a question Seller Information Seller Name Orleans Volunteer Fire Department, MD [view seller's other assets] Asset Location 12210 Orleans Rd NE Little Orleans, Maryland 21766-1111 Map to this location
  7. How many switches do you need in the panel? Ed
  8. You've done a marvelous job so far restoring your truck. I've been following along as I have recently purchased a 73 CF600. I see you are getting new batteries. Is your truck positive ground? Have you had any trouble wiring lights and radios? I just blew up a Motorola Mocom 70 radio that I was installing in my 73 before I figured out it was positive ground. Best wishes on your new home & shop purchase. Ed
  9. I'm going through the same thing on a 73 CF600 I bought a month ago. I didn't know it was positive ground till I blew up a $300 fire radio I was installing. I have heard the same thing about less rust issues. I'd like to convert mine to negative ground as it sure would simplify things.
  10. Thanks Paul. If I can get it out in one piece and wash it, I'll just lightly put some compressed air to it and then let it dry on the work bench. Ed
  11. Being my air filter is 50 years old, the Donaldson stickers have worn off.
  12. Thanks to Mechaholic for pointing out the fitting for the service indicator. I missed that. I’ll have to see if I can find one. Also, the wires running on top go to two light bulbs on top of the engine. Looking down the inspection pipe, it looks like a dry media of some kind, so it probobly isn’t oil bath. Now that I have some idea of what I’m working with, I’ll take it down over the weekend and post some pictures of what I find. Thanks again for all the replies. Ed
  13. God works in funny ways. I couldn’t find anything about this filter in my original service manual. I just received a book in the mail an hour ago about the Mack CF Fire Trucks in a photo archive. Lo and behold, on page 15 is a picture of a CF600 going down the assembly line with the new Maxidyne engine and what looked like the air filter I’m looking for. I looked at the picture with a magnifying glass and then enlarged it with my phone. It’s a Donaldson Duralife Panel Filter. Best I could tell it says you can blow it out with air or wash it.
  14. The air intake hose is connected to the engine cover on the drivers side. Thanks for all the replies. Ed
  15. It's a weird set up. Definitely smells like oil under the round flip cap. I'm trying to find some servicing info on it. I guess I'll just have to unbolt it and see what comes out.
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