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Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by Mario

  1. Muchas gracias!
  2. Buenas. Camión Mack visión 427, código se enciende al acelerar y en mínimo se apaga. Revisé y observé qué el código es bajo voltaje a las mono bombas. Que podría ser?
  3. Revise la pastilla del Llavin, quizá ya está defectuosa y si no, ponga un bombillo de 12v pequeño escondido. El cable positivo lo conecta con estaño al punto de ignición en la pastilla y el otro que haga tierra. Check the Llavin pickup, it may already be defective and if not, put a small hidden 12v bulb. The positive cable connects it with tin to the ignition point on the pickup and the other to ground.
  4. Mario


    😂😂 Hi everybody. Sorry my english. I have a problem. Mack visión 460 star it, then, turn off it and it did not turn off, second time it workin it. I revised Llavin and realys, it's ok. I did a "magyver" 😂😂.. Put a light bulb at ignition and it workin... But what is realy problem?
  5. Hi, it's me again. I wanted to tell you that I was able to turn on the truck. The computers were checked, the wiring was checked, the fuses were checked, the injection pulses were checked, the diesel system was checked, and what was found was the mono pumps as if stuck. It doens't have none codes. I'm mechanic and I never see a problem like that!!
  6. Thanks a Lot, I Will try that! Pura vida!!!
  7. Espero que puedas ayudarme. Tengo una visión MACK. Simplemente se enciende con éter, después de eso, sigue funcionando normalmente. Pero si apago y enciendo inmediatamente, no enciende. Revisé fusible de la computadora, sensor de resistencia del volante, sensores de resistencia del árbol de levas y todo está bien. No codifica activo. Gracias por todo. Dios te bendiga.
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