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3rdWrightBrother last won the day on July 11 2011

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About 3rdWrightBrother

  • Birthday 09/04/1959


  • Location
    Sun Valley,NV USA

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    Anything old-cars, trucks, tractors, airplanes !<br />Air Racing
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  1. The ATHS had their national convention At the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno last month. There were a lot more trucks than the last time they were here in 2001, I spent over 10 hours trying to see them all, took almost 2300 pictures. Will try to post a few each day.
  2. Bob, if you believe my wife I'm headed the other direction Going to start studying for my GED in a couple of weeks, then who knows ? Just not happy where I am right now, but I'm the only one that can change it !
  3. Attaboy Bob ! Walk the dogs every day before work but haven't really hit the hills with them too much this year. Russ
  4. Took almost 300 pictures, best part of the day was getting to sit in that beautiful B75 and go back in time 35 years !
  5. The Sierra Nevada Chapter of the ATHS held their 2015 Truck Show in Sparks Nevada yesterday. The winner of both the long distance award and the people's choice award was K.W. Jacobs for his 1956 B75 Mack. Fell in love with it since my first truck was a 65 B75. A couple of LT Macks and some smaller and older model Macks also.Had a new Titan parked between the LT's.Several old KW's, a Sterling-White, Diamond T, a very old Locomobile, some Petes, several newer trucks, and a lotta great people. Russ
  6. Welcome Glen from a former Saskatchewanian. I was born and raised on a farm at Vanscoy, just outside Saskatoon. Living in Reno now, Hauled grain, fertilizer, hay and livestock when I was young. Good luck on your search for a B. Russ
  7. Happens to women once a month ?
  8. They all look likes Exhibit 'D's to me Russ
  9. Happy New Year everyone !
  10. Charlie- Haven't been on here too much lately, just saw this now. So sorry for your loss, please give me a call if you get out this way. Russ
  11. Been a lot of years since I had my B, but if I'm remembering correctly you first need to remove the glove box liner. Once you have it out you will see the screws to the hinges. Hope this helps. Russ
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