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Everything posted by 3rdWrightBrother

  1. $300.00 Do I hear $400.00 ? Russ
  2. Deep breaths Marvin Russ
  3. I don't understand Russ
  4. Bob- Hope your surgery goes well. Let me know how it turns out.


  5. I'd google that Russ
  6. Here's some pics from the 2010 air races of my friends formula 1 racer, Knotty Girl. For last year he painted her as a tribute to Al Goss and Warlock, the 2004 T-6 Gold Champion. The first photo shows one of the best parts of the races- the smile on the face of a young race fan when they get a chance to sit in one of the racers. Photo 2 is Knotty Girl sitting in front of the Warlock trailer, photo 3 is Knotty Girl on the ramp. Photo 4 is going through tech inspection, the last photo is Knotty Girls' O-200 Continental engine. Russ
  7. Now if they could arrange a shuttle bus from Nevada Bob and I could attend Russ
  8. I'm with Mowerman, I'll be waiting for the rest of you to post pics Russ
  9. Hey Randy, the throttle pedal in my B made one heck of a foot warmer too in the summer Russ
  10. Don't know Norm, but if he's got a ton of Macks sounds like our kind of guy Russ
  11. Welcome ! My first truck was a 1965 B75- sure I wish I had her now. Was born and raised on a farm in Saskatchewan, been all over Montana, beautiful country. Pics of your B75 would be appreciated again welcome aboard. Russ
  12. Randy- love the pics of the Transtars- one of my favorite trucks after the old Macks First truck I ever rode in was a CO4000 IH, owned by the same guy I bought the B75 in my profile pic from. Russ
  13. Bob- Not sure- where on 99 ? Haven't been on 99 since the mid 80's. Loved the B17 parked next to 99. Russ
  14. B52, here's a couple of teasers for you, these were taken at the Rolls-Royce Aviation Heritage Invitational at last year's air races. I'll try to post some more on the other thread I started as I get the chance, Russ
  15. Happy Birthday Leon Russ
  16. Also on the ramp last year was this- V3420 Allison. Basically 2 Allison v1710 V12s cuopled to a Reduction gearbox through individual prop shafts. Wish I could hear that beast run
  17. Here's a couple for the Bear fans here. The last photo is a Wright 3350that Anderson Aeromotive had on display at the races, they are the company that built the engines for FIFI, the CAF's B-29, currently the only flyable B-29in the world. Bob- You should come out to Stead next month for PRS, you can park your lawn chair and cooler right on the ramp and watch the flying. Russ
  18. Had coffee with Bigen several months back, he suggested that some members here might be interested in things aviation related. Living in Reno is a big plus being a fan of the National Championship Air Races, which were started in 1964. Last year I helped crew in the International Formula 1 class, and have gotten to know many of the photographers and some of the pilots and crew from some of the other classes. Check out rara.org for more info on the air races, I will post more photos if people are interested. The gentleman I crewed for last year took me for my first ride in a light aircraft today over Lake Tahoe in a Lancair 235. What a thrill. Hope everyone enjoys the photos. Russ
  19. Have to meet for a coffee someday

  20. And they'll all miss you when you're gone Russ
  21. I translated it as "We no wok your Dog " Russ
  22. Probably only a matter of time until they come out with a turn signal app for the I Phone Russ
  23. Happy Birthday Doug
  24. Belated Birthday wishes Barry Russ
  25. Bigen-Glad to hear your wife is doing good, Have a safe trip Russ
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