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Everything posted by 3rdWrightBrother

  1. Oh look- the pretty lady from Canada is showing us her beaver
  2. A guy I worked for back home said he was getting his wife a new Chevelle for Christmas one year- a snow shovel
  3. Welcome Aboard
  4. Drove an LTL9000 Ford that had them-was interesting to say the least the first time I drove it after I thought I had adjusted the brakes Russ
  5. Open season on lawyers and politicians, no limits- 99% of the world's problems disappear
  6. Might Stop Wunning ? Russ
  7. My 65 B75 was positive ground also. Russ
  8. Welcome aboard! It's good to see someone your age with an interest in old ,you'll find lots of people here eager to help you . Good luck and keep us posted, pictures are always welcome!
  9. Some photos of my first truck, a 1965 B75
  10. Just checked, the original movie starred George Raft, Humphrey Bogart and Ann Sheridan, came out in 1940. So I guess the poster isn't for the original movie- a remake or a play possibly ? Anyone Russ
  11. Movie poster. If I'm remembering correctly it starred James Cagney , don't remember the year it came out, I'll have to do some more checking. I've had it in my queue for blockbuster online but it says there is an extremely long wait- I think I've been waiting 6 months or longer for it to ship. Russ
  12. How about split the difference and drive down the middle of the road ? Russ
  13. Here's another school bus for everyone, not quite as low but about the same length!
  14. Thanks for the info Monty. Hopefully I can make it down under someday and talk one of you into letting me try it your way ! Russ
  15. Welcome Aboard! I've got a nephew living there now- went to school there and liked it so much he stayed. Was admiring some of the photos posted from the members there and got to wondering, if the steering wheel is on the right are the turn signal levers still on the left side of the column and the spike on the right ? Is the shift pattern the same on the tranny, or is it reversed and what about something with two sticks (Okay, I cut my teeth on a B Model !) If anyone from down under could post so interior shots of your rigs I'd love to see them. Russ
  16. Welcome Aboard! I've got a nephew living there now- went to school there and liked it so much he stayed. Was admiring some of the photos posted from the members there and got to wondering, if the steering wheel is on the right are the turn signal levers still on the left side of the column and the spike on the right ? Is the shift pattern the same on the tranny, or is it reversed and what about something with two sticks (Okay, I cut my teeth on a B Model !) If anyone from down under could post so interior shots of your rigs I'd love to see them. Russ
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