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Everything posted by Angelo

  1. Might have to sell my Mack. Anyone in here possibly interested. Don’t want her getting into wrongs hands and destroying her. She’s originally from Bridgeport ct fire dept. Runs,stops, pumps. Located in port Chester NY. Drove her to Rhode Island last year for a show 300 miles round trip
  2. Man that’s something special right there
  3. Been here about a year. Love the group as a new member I got a lot of help getting my rig going. Grew up with fire trucks, my father is a large collector of vintage fire apparatus and all trucks. I caught the bug and have several now.
  4. Beautiful rig enjoy
  5. United fire In Arizona has them in stock nos brand new. I ordered all 4 definitely cleaned up pump panel
  6. Old thread but I’m in need of the black knob too. Lost one on the highway yesterday going to show. Anyone got one?
  7. Looking for a clean hood grill for 52 L model Mack. Anyone have something tucked away in garage. I’m in ny
  8. I used the electric pump that yarnell posted and it’s worked great for me on my 52 L. 609albert how did the electronic ignition do. I bought everything to swap over but haven’t done it yet.
  9. Any boot and coat racks
  10. Change over to tubeless 1100.20. I did all four on back of my 52 L85 and it was night and day difference. Truck rides so much better. I found all four rims and pretty new tires for $100 on Craigslist
  11. I use truck almost weekly during season with shows, funerals parades, taking my kids for ride. Sadly she’s put away now till weather breaks
  12. Got the old girl running again. Used a block diode rectifier in place of original. Charging at 14v and ran for 3 hours with lights and sirens for Christmas parade and she ran great. Thanks to everyone’s help helping me work thru the issues
  13. Definitely added larger tank which is very common for rigs from my area when they go north or south. We are a complete hydrant district. I’ll get some info for you to answer some of your questions
  14. I can find any info you want. I know the company wanted to buy it back but maybe the right people weren’t in contact with each other
  15. I was in its original firehouse doing a standby for Tarrytown last weekend. All of their apparatus was always beautiful cared for rigs
  16. Angelo

    52 l85

    The rectifier was bad but now changed out.
  17. Angelo

    52 l85

    Replaced rectifier with diode rectifier Alternator was cleaned up and checks good, voltage regulator good, grounds good and ran a few new ones while I was up in there, still charging at 18 volts 🤦‍♂️
  18. Angelo

    52 l85

    That’s what I was thinking. Old one is positive ground and mounted right to metal bracket on side of motor
  19. Angelo

    52 l85

    Rectifier is gone. Also confirmed with Vineland electric in jersey. I had a feeling it was. Can’t thank you guys enough again. I take every you say into account and will use in future as well
  20. Angelo

    52 l85

    Leaving original alternator is there anything that can go in rectifiers place. That things is way outdated and dangerous. I have seen a few rigs replace with what I was talking about a 3 phase block rectifier that seems to work. Even if temporally till I can save some money to make better upgrades
  21. Angelo

    52 l85

    Mrmack my battery is few months old. Load tested perfect sealed battery
  22. Angelo

    52 l85

    Written on my rectifier in marker says Bridgeport fire shops. 1984 replaced came off old engine 6. The old engine 6 was a late 40’s L model Mack
  23. Angelo

    52 l85

    I definitely smelled rotten eggs when she started to die on me. Felt battery and it was warm but I don’t believe the smell was coming from that. Does the rectifier give off that kinda smell as well
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