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Everything posted by Angelo

  1. Angelo

    52 l85

    I am gonna test tomorrow. I’m just asking if that’s something that can be used in event it’s bad .
  2. Angelo

    52 l85

    So can I use a 3 phase block rectifier that’s rated at 100amps 1600 volts to replace the rectifier is that shows bad ?
  3. Angelo

    52 l85

    I appreciate your input very much. Changing a motor is nothing to me. Some wires and I’m lost. Took me a while just to understand positive ground because everything I’ve ever learned was opposite. I’m eager to learn and care for these rigs for the future
  4. Angelo

    52 l85

    Two different volt meters so yes. Everything was fine. Was driving home from show when it happened. Changed voltage regulator and it’s still happening
  5. Angelo

    52 l85

    Thank you for response. I have braided ground straps from frame to motor. And frame to body. And they are in really good shape. I used dremel tool with wire brush and cleaned all terminals on alternator, regulator, battery and ground connections. Replaced field ground between alternator and rectifier, replaced field wire between alternator and voltage regulator. When I turn ignition on you can hear voltage regulator click. Starts right up then voltage climbs to 17-18 volts within a few seconds.
  6. Angelo

    52 l85

    I’m trying my best to learn and figure this out. I’m asking so I can learn. I’m not just guessing, I’m asking from people who have way more experience than me. I’m doing this work alone in my back yard and don’t have endless money on hand to hire people. I appreciate the help everyone has gave so far
  7. Angelo

    52 l85

    I understand what you are saying. If rectifier is bad could that cause my overcharging? The Regulater is replaced all grounds cleaned and checked, field wires clean and check out. Not sure what else could cause the 18volt overcharge. I appreciate all your help so far
  8. Angelo

    52 l85

    Gonna have the alternator gone thru and cleaned up by a shop. When I opened back where field is there was a lot of dust and junk. It spins free with no noise hopefully it comes back good. Now I think I need to replace rectifier too it’s 42 years old. Anyone have one or know how to replace it with something else that can work? Frame to motor ground is good and cleaned up some other wires I didn’t like the look of.
  9. Angelo

    52 l85

    The one field wire went to bolt on rectifier I made replacement wire and fixed that. The other went to the F on my regulator and I ran a new wire between them as well. So both of those are replaced.
  10. Angelo

    52 l85

    If the other is field wire I will replace that too it’s pretty funky and looks like someone patched it a few times
  11. Angelo

    52 l85

    The 2nd picture has two wires off back. One goes to rectifier which I believe was a ground to it, is the other the field wire? The rectifier wire was in bad shape so I made a new wire in its place
  12. Angelo

    52 l85

    I’ll lift hood and take a few more pictures tomorrow. I’m wondering if the ground wire between gen and regulator is maybe bad?
  13. Angelo

    52 l85

    I believe this is rectifier
  14. Angelo

    52 l85

    It has a Leece Neville generator. Regulater has on left side it says from top to bottom 4 posts Ign G Gen F on right side it has B post all is Hooked the same way old one was. I had many miles on it problem free until this issue
  15. Angelo

    52 l85

    New voltage regulator installed. All terminals cleaned and still charging at 18volts. Any one have a clue has a leece Neville generator on motor. Idols at 14 volts soon as into pedal goes to 18volt
  16. I believe I have a faulty voltage regulator. It’s a 707b with positive ground and generator. It’s overcharging and burning points and cooking batteries. Anyone ever have issue with theirs. Where is this thing located? I’ve never dealt with generators before. Thanks for any advice
  17. Yea the felt wiper is in place and oiled. I don’t see a ballast resistor wondering if those original big coils are internal resistors. Maybe they are over powered like you suggested because it was fine and then all of a sudden it’s eating points like candy
  18. Trucks been running great. Put about 800 miles on it going to shows and had no issues. Last week coming home from a show started to loose pedal and backfired. Got off road pulled front dis cap and the rubbing block on points was melted off. Changed them out with fresh set. Got back on road and lost the next set of points about 10 miles in. Changed again with capacitor and made it home. Anyone ever see this before. i just ordered electronic conversion for front distributor. Will buy rear one when I have some free cash. Hopefully it will help me. Only thing that worries me is why it’s doing it in first place?
  19. Finally got her running good enough to go a few towns over for a car cruise
  20. Well redid points again and got it running on both distributors and all plugs gapped right and seems to be running a lot better. Switched rear dry rotted tires over to 10.r22.5 so now it’s time to take her out and see how she does
  21. Yes was adjusted and rebuilt as well
  22. Looking for chrome grill for 1952 L model that’s in good shape
  23. Well I found one part. Didn’t fix entire but I’m moving foward. Vacuum wipers had crappy rubber line on them. Changed hoses and when holding my finger over it it sucks to my finger pretty hard.
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