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Everything posted by petehall12

  1. No the gaskets are currently not Ieaking. I will try that Joey as always I appreciate it. And I will let you now how it goes
  2. I haven’t done anything to stop it they have been leaking since I have owned the truck the last 3 years. Was just trying to figure out how to fix it. Yeah the steel ones pai make are like $12 but Mack wants $50 a piece for the S. S. Ones.
  3. I read on here that those bolts go into the push rod galley. Trying to figure out how to fix it and is it worth paying for the high dollar stainless studs or not?
  4. Yeah I hate when people ask questions but they never post what fixed the problem. The muffler I put on it I don’t like it has a flat plate in the middle of it that the exhaust has to go around. I need to find something different.
  5. I need one like that with a 44” body 4” inlet 5” outlet. The one I put on here last night has a flat plate in the middle of it. You can tell it can’t breathe very good.
  6. No it didn’t I have hunted this problem but I finally found what it was today. The muffler had blown apart and the baffle had shot perfectly straight up was stuck In the exhaust tip. So the whistle noise that i thought was a turbo leak is were the exhaust was passing thru the little holes on the baffle. Not sure what was causing the poof noise but it sure sounded 100%!better after putting a new muffler on it. We will see how it does Tomorrow.
  7. I think I found it this the hose coming off the back of the compressor going to the intake. Only bad part is I am sitting in a parking lot loaded with asphalt. So I hope it holds up till I get in
  8. No I don’t have a wastegate
  9. Checked the exhaust side and rechecked the inlet side of the turbo tonight the fins look good and there is no oil around it
  10. It is cv 713 yeah I am going to figure out how to pressure test it with the smoke. But what ever happened yesterday happened all at one time I heard the pop and after that I had the boost problem.also when it pops you get puff of black smoke out the exhaust. But also the primary filter is only half full of fuel isn’t that supposed to completely full all the time? I also have replaced the fuel lines from the tank to the filter and the filter to the pump.
  11. Especially since it is just a straight turbo no vgt or watergate the only 2 reasons it won’t build boost is either the fins are bad on the exhaust side of the turbo or it has leak somewhere. I hooked a smoke machine to it last night and didn’t see any leaks.
  12. The intake pipe is clean I am going to pull the exhaust side tonight and look at the fins. I had an old mechanic tell me the same thing he thinks that with the turbo not building enough boost fuel might be accumulating in the exhaust and detonating especially it being so intermittent. I have been running the truck for 8 hours so far today and it has only happened 4 times
  13. It looks ok I don’t see any black soot marks around
  14. Yeah I can check that this weekend if the truck doesn’t get any worse and it makes it till then
  15. And the motor seems to run great as long as you keep in under 20 pounds of boost no miss or hesitation in the take off but going from 20-25 pounds of boost you hear a roaring noise coming from under the hood and it won’t go to 30 pounds it stays right at 25.
  16. Not sure what are fuel worms? It has two filters side by side on the left side. It doesn’t have a water separator
  17. It is a Jacob’s Jake brake
  18. I will when I get home tonight. Still trying to figure out were the silicone came from
  19. While driving the motor popped back through the exhaust with a poof sound and a puff of black smoke. After that turbo will only build to 25 pounds and it has roaring noise over around the turbo area. And still pops back through the exhaust but it is random. No check engine light. The motor runs good still pulls loads fine. Changed the fuel filters on it and found silicone chunks in the top of the primary filter. But it is still doing the same thing
  20. Well for the price I just got in a reman I am going to go that route
  21. My truck all the sudden won’t stay in high gear in any gear it jumps out of 5,6,7,8 gear but the stick doesn’t move. How hard is to change the synchronizer’s or woulD Be better to carry it to a transmission shop.
  22. Yeah I am definitely going to make I breathe better don’t now much about the ASET delete but I am going to put a fleet air filter on it and upgrade the exhaust Mack technicians way with a older exhaust manifold. I just don’t now if spending $2000 on a polished one would be worth it
  23. No sir. you are not being mean at all. this is why ask questions because I am not a now it all. With out people giving responses like you have nobody learns anything even just telling somebody to use graphs and what things to account for helps. I understand there is no magic combination. That is why I ask questions and do my homework before I spend money. If I just spent money when ever an idea popped in my head with out doing this I would make a lot of stupid decisions.
  24. Awnsers like this is what I am looking for. This truck was specked for the hills of PA and I live on the coast of NC. So everything is fairly flat and I mostly haul asphalt and rock 98% of the time. I am very rarely in a sand mine. But if my conclusion is I need to leave it alone I am fine with that. But if there is improvements I can make I would like to you know what I mean
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