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farmer52 last won the day on May 18 2018

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About farmer52

  • Birthday 07/05/1952


  • Location
    Roaring Spring, PA

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    Trucks, farm tractors, muscle cars, photography, and computers.
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Community Answers

  1. Thanks Bob for the heads up. I found a used lamp MANY years ago. I gave up looking for a backup (new or used). Looking at the pic from Walmart, it is not even close to either the early or later lamp. The one posted by @BottleHauler84may be correct but too fuzzy to see any detail. Perhaps you can get a better image. My concern would be the wiring and connections. I am not a fan of "modifications" but I guess something is better than nothing. Thanks to both for your research and updates.
  2. I am "guessing" the MH642/3 were Detroit engines? Anyone know for sure?
  3. MH653 - Caterpillar 6x2 - single drive axle 6x3 - tandem drive axles A MH652 would be a Caterpillar powered single axle. Here is the link to a YT video explaining the differences in the CAT 3400 family engines.
  4. I would say it is an optical illusion. The diamond plate fenders hide the tire (top and front). If you look at the distance from the rim to the ground it looks the same. The front "drive" axle is not a tag axle so the tires should be the same size.
  5. Still looking. Added windshields.
  6. Operator's Handbook for MH Series Published 1990 MH Ops Manual ts55590.pdf
  7. Brochure shows the Interior Features (Level I, II, III, and IV), Operational Features/MH Instrument Panel, and External Features. Published 05/85 Mack MH Cab brochure 0585.PDF
  8. MH parts: Windshield Moulding - 24RU538M subs to 25077244 - NOS pliable Windshield Washer Reservoir - 34QT55M2 subs to 25129768 - NOS or good used (mine leaks) New addition 04 JAN 2024 - windshields 9QT517M and 9QT518M. Send note to personal email with price and location. Pics if possible. Thanks!
  9. There is one on the auction site that looks good. Send the seller a note and get the bolt spacing to make sure it is the correct one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/296089879417?hash=item44f0550379:g:nc0AAOSwDQVlbjML&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8PtmuW4Si3C8%2F4k3Ffpl18WRLiK%2FfzOo%2Bh1eGJpJk90sgo%2F%2FOlKHUL5h%2BE13XI9Q6aHG9qE04eYJJ2DsfvRYb95DWiwBgQXYOaMaKTtmLqCh6s1if8LP%2Bx5eZSxq6koTtStKofPKavx4M6LIammt55EZPOyToExDZYOlQ7PWD%2F%2FbnYc7ANBwPBgzQV4q9eqq%2BkHMp9VSFA5ImUwL0KpqLYWRRXpXpGy%2BITXDZA7CKUyKWIQ16OfjXMcU1KqnDWyODFb6ppHizApPGK35iaOGraiO31wI82n0p1O%2BYZz7XEWCaq0qzaYx0mTstR3yS%2F6t7A%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8Ctn_KGYw
  10. I was asked to log in and reply to this message. You bought the "pup" version. You need to full size dog. The chrome bulldog pn is 27RU217B. The gold bulldog was not installed on the MH even if it was 100% Mack. The gold bulldog pn is 27RU217BP2. It attaches directly to the mount with 2 -1/4"x1-1/4" UNF countersunk oval head capscrews (pn 103AX109). I did a thread a LONG time ago about changing my bulldog from chrome to gold. I forgot to add 27RU217B subs to 2515 2847 and 27RU217BP2 subs to 2516 1913. Both list for over $100.
  11. I was told there will be NO clam bake (buffet) on Friday night. Instead they are trying to get food trucks/vendors for Dutch Treat food service. I may only attend on Saturday.
  12. Thanks Rob and AMEN!!!!! Going back to my hole.....
  13. Bob, Sorry we did not connect and sorry you did not have a "swingin' time". If I knew you did not have a "pass" you could have borrowed the wifey's. My 3 cents on ATHS...I been to three (3) shows with the MH and NEVER ONCE did I need to show nor asked for the vehicle insurance or registration. Interesting! And don't get me started on the "show rules" and the number of "violations" I observed. And another thing, I never saw so many "service" dogs as in Reno (even in restaurants and supermarkets). On the positive side, lots of nice looking vehicles, most an "east coaster" would never see otherwise. Saw MHfred, Brocky, and 75T. Also Dave from Keystone Truck Museum. Make a note, Macungie is always Father's Day weekend (Thursday - Saturday). Many vehicles leave on Saturday afternoon so Friday and Saturday are the best days to attend. FYI, there is no spectator fee. Hope to see you at Watt's show in August. Take care!
  14. Randy, The wifey and I plan to attend. I have a question...will there be NIT?
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