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  1. "I HAD A DREAM!"

    I dreamt that the 2008 CHU613 I have pictured on my profile had the RE-GIN button flashing, and I didn't have an owner's manual to tell me what to do. Can someone also advise me of a site showing me how to delete this feature from my truck without waking me? In a dream world it is not illegal to delete that feature, and I would certainly never do that while awake and with a clear conscience. Our government has gone through so much for us, and I know that re-gin system is only there to help us.

  2. FJH. Now is that time of which you speak! Gather round all ye curious souls. Tis I who can lay down the demise (or solution) of the broken Walking Backwards! As Willie gifted us in 1967, "The Party Is Over," I will end this thread with the same vision! I have not only uploaded Willie Nelson's video (please enjoy and I hope I don't get fussed at) but I have also uploaded my entire service ticket below. I refer to that as "pulling my dress up" and typically don't like doing that. As FJH properly suggested, maybe my internal and monetary "wake of death and destruction" may help another on this forum. Whether it was the right/wrong, better/worst or expensive/economical decision, A DECISION WAS MADE! And that, my friends, was the true problem; MAKING A DECISION. At the end of the day that is the gift that this site offers to us all. This is a platform that collects an unbelievable amount of great people with good advice and a sincere want to help others. It's just too bad this platform (site) isn't what we walk out of our doors to mix with anymore! I appreciate every person that has taken the time to give me ideas, advice or just a straight up smartass comment! Merry Christmas! A sincere thanks to all and to all a good night!
  3. HERE WE GO!! I had it trailered to a certified shop. I was told that he didn't do Macks BUT upon looking it over, he gave the final diagnosis..... It's the rear gear train that's making all the noise and the gears are eat up. I don't know if those metal shavings have access to the internal part of the engine? And the compressor motor won't come out! With the motor having 400k on it, is that the time to do an overhaul or is that an entirely different animal?
  4. I got the bars from Mack and let all of my dreams come true! It certainly comes with a price!
  5. Can't find part #'s and I don't have a manual. I tried measuring center to center, 24 in., 21 in., and 18 in. These measurements are doing NOTHING for any parts house open on Sat. Then again, I'm sure I'm not much help to any parts house no matter what day they are open! Can someone help me know more than I do right now???
  6. UPDATE!!! I can't thank you enough for the input on my truck. The reply that fjh left for me had a similar ring to it that was given to me a few days ago. I didn't realize that a friend of mine was involved in a nice size trucking company! Must be a real close friend, huh? He was nice enough to send his head tech to my shop to check it out. He has/had 12 years working at a franchise Mack dealership. After crawling around it like a spider monkey, he left me with this. The following description will NOT be properly duplicated! I'm sure anyone except myself will be able to properly connect these dots! I was told that it was the "drive gear"????? I think that's what he called it. I did hear 100% the word "BULL GEAR." He told me I could take the valve cover off, look towards the very back. There should be a little gap that I can stick a rod down to move a gear? I there is any slack on being able to move this, then BAM, there's the problem. Next step would be to somehow check the possibility of more damage due to this. He told me I could drive it to a shop, although he didn't recommend it. I feel a little funny about checking the back part of that motor for something lose but since it doesn't have me taking off any more than the valve cover, I don't think I could mess anything up! He also told me that it was or could be about a 40-45 hour job??!!??!!
  7. I feel the exact same as you now, but I feel that way about the auto industry! The trucking world is brand new to me, so I guess this present time will be the time I speak of in the future. I will say how easy it was in 2022! How scary is that, mower man?!?! LOL! I also think that everyone should own an excavator and you should be allowed to run them on the road!
  8. I have a Mp8-425e and the Mack dealer told me I had a T313 transmission. I don't see any numbers on the transmission other than 281K35343 that tell me it's a 313. The dealer can't do anything with it for SEVERAL weeks out. I have nothing but the desire to get it to a dealer or legit shop. I just got it home 3 days ago. Spending the time to clean top to bottom. This helps me to look over every part (well not EVERY) on the truck. Hopefully it may give me the ability in some way to identify, at least, what my issue may be? Now that I have it in the driveway, I have more of an ability to look, check and learn. Nowhere on my wish list of "Shit to do" is a line item that says, "Take transmission out of a Mack and use it as an orbital instrument to strengthen fellowship and unity with fellow man as we journey to rebuild it!" My skin is respectfully tough and their is no opinion that I would not want to hear. Ultimately it is my choice to take or dismiss anyone's advice. I'm ALWAYS appreciative and thankful. Don't get on FB much and I don't drink, HOWEVER I may consider going to the local bar before it's all said and done!
  9. I'm sure my title attracts some smartass comments. Maybe not. I'm new on this forum and the truck industry. I depend a lot on trust right now. I've got 2 conflicting stories from 2 different people. I truly respect both people and their opinions. The Mack is a 2008 CHU. There seems to be a really loud noise from the engine/transmission area. I was told that the loud noise was loose valves and it may have started from the camshaft? There is already a valve/camshaft kit out there for about 4,000.00 because of that ongoing issue????? The motor is a MP8. The other valued opinion is that the valve/engine noise is perfectly okay with the engine. They all make that noise and the problem is a throw-out bearing. That's why it doesn't go away when you press the clutch or put a little bind on it. It has a T313 transmission. Other than taking to a shop, has anyone had this type of issue?
  10. I was in automotive retail for 30 years. Our family owned a GM dealership in Louisiana for 50 years. We earned trust and had a HIGH percentage of repeat and referrals. My dad was one in a million and shoes I will NEVER fill. He always had his little sayings that he would pass to us on occasion. Over time I found some of them to be quotes from others and all the others created by him. Obviously the ones that meant something stuck!!! His first one as I entered the business was, "Son, you can sell cars til you are blue in the face but just remember that no matter what you do or say, nobody believes a damn word you say." "If something starts out wrong, it's gonna end wrong", "It's hard to beat a good understanding", "If you have to lie to someone to get their business then you don't need it", "It's easy to be successful in the car business, be honest, back what you sell and if you tell someone you're gonna do something, do it. If you simply do that, you will be successful and separate yourself from 90% that don't." My favorite, "SON. I'D LIKE TO TELL YOU IT'S GONNA GET BETTER, BUT IT'S NOT." Obviously all of these sayings were matched by proper situations and events. The only reason for this intro is the wake up call in the big truck industry! Starting a new trucking company has allowed me to meet an entire new breed of people! They talk about those people in the car business? OH MY GOD! I've got it down to only 2 groups. The people that will lie to you and the people that won't! Thank God for group B! Not a big group but the best group! Not much room for error here. Mistakes are NOT cheap. Our first purchase was a 2007 Mack Granite with 300k and a 1999 Komatsu PC-200LC excavator. I never ran an excavator (or a big truck) but I think everyone should own an excavator and it should be legal to drive them on the road! We just purchased a 1994 Mack RD600 with 410k (purrs like a kitten) and a 2008 Mack CHU613 with 500k. No regrets on any of them. We just started this business the beginning of 2022. The people out there that want to help you succeed or learn are becoming fewer and fewer. I am excited to join this forum. I would like to think that this forum is made up of the few!!! Not so sure how many people actually read this types of posts anyway. Guess I just felt the need to type!! Time to appreciate the members of BigMackTrucks.com!!!!!
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