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  1. Yes, 1,400. Not 14k. Sorry fellas. All work and no play makes Mikey a dull boy. Thank you for the thoughts
  2. I have a Granit dump truck that only gets up to about 14 thousand rpm. Doesn't matter which gear its in. Governor issue?
  3. 2010-2013. But we are supposed to get brand new trucks sometime in the near future...
  4. So what are guys using for troubleshooting/DTC software out there for Mack?? What's the best program that money can buy? I was checking out JPRO, and it seemed like a solid program...what do you think!?
  5. Ty, Onyx610
  6. I have a 2010 Mack CHU, and I just installed a new EGR Valve. I'm getting a fault code that keeps coming up; PID 411, FMI 7. My DTCs book is saying; "Mechanical system not responding or out of adjustment" What in heck does that mean?? The sensor is brand new, I made sure there were no leaks when I installed everything... It's also saying; "Faulty EGR differential pressure sensor connector" -"faulty EGR differential sensor" -"EGR Valve, valve leak or clogged venturi" Like I said, it's a brand new EGR. Could it be a turbo issue!?? Thanx. -Mike
  7. Where is the best place to get new Mdrive info. Was thinking of getting a scanner to get some top rated info.
  8. Thanx Joey! I deal with 2010 CHU 13s
  9. Was thinking of getting a scan tool. What's the best troubleshooting software that's out there for Mack?
  10. So I know this is a silly question, but I've been outa school for a minute... My 2010 CHU-13 has front tires that are camed. The driver side is camed in, the passenger side is camed out. I know you adjust the tie-rod for toe in, toe out; but what do you adjust for cam correction? I checked for king-pin play, and they're good. No much movement. Just need to know how to fix my cam problem...
  11. That's what I was afraid it was going to be. Thank you Vmac!
  12. Does anyone know what SID282 is for?? Looking at the engine piston cooling oil pressure actuator...
  13. Yeah sorry... I meant the specs for the EGR or the opening and closing of the EGR Valve??
  14. Does any anyone know the PSI specs for an EGR on a 2010 MP8?
  15. Yep! One is pre-treatment, and post-treatment sensors. We replaced both sensors, and it seems like it did the trick. Cleared the SCR faults on the dash, and the codes on our software that we use. We have some 2010 Mack, duel axle dump trucks. Never worked on Mack's before so this has been a learning curve. This forum is awesome. Can't wait to learn, and read about all the challenges out there! Thank you. -Mike
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