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Everything posted by TIMWAR

  1. Thank you HarryS…. I called them and they were incredibly helpful. Kit is on the way.
  2. There’s no tag on my carburetor. It’s a 1956 B42 and I think it’s all original EN401 or EN402…can anyone tell me what this model carburetor is ? And who sells a rebuild kit ?
  3. Were the 1956 B42T units a 6 volt ? ..or 12 volt ? Also were they positive ground ? Whats the easiest way to tell if it was converted ?
  4. I was looking at a “non running” unit about 10 hours away and the cost to transport it was about $2000.00…plus, to wench it out of its location so it could be loaded was another $800.00…I’m sure a backhoe to load and offload would be another unknown fee… The fact that this $5K truck is only 35 minutes from my house is a huge factor in making the decision to purchase it. I appreciate everyone’s thoughts on the matter..
  5. Yes..the one I’m looking at still has the gas engine. The door bottoms and rockers look good. Surprisingly there’s only one minor dent on the back right cab corner. It’s not original paint but the sheet metal does look good. I don’t have any pictures but I think I’m going to go look at it again.
  6. Thank you Mean Green … and was it running /driving/stopping to and had good rubber ? What did it have for a body ?
  7. I know the old saying…” it’s only worth what someone’s willing to pay for it”. I want a B.. but I’m old school.. I just can’t see paying these “FB marketplace” prices. In ‘86 I bought a B42 for $700.00 and drove it home. I looked at one yesterday in the shape described above..the guys asking $5000.00 and I’ll have to trailer it home. As much as I love and want a B…It’s hard for me to justify that price. So I want to know..is this the world we live in now ?.. or am I going to be “that guy” that pays too much. still considering it.
  8. Ok…another novice question...I’m shopping for a B42 or B61. I have found a B42… Can someone tell me what a reasonable price I might expect to pay would be for the following described truck… 1955 B42 single axle 9’ dump body. .twin sticks… The cab seems solid with one small dent in the right back corner…no dents in the front fenders…slightly bent front bumper….grill is good...glovebox door is missing…Seats are intact…gauges are all there …Dump body has a few small holes rotted through…cab guard is damaged (the dump body is pretty much trash)… Small rust hole in right rocker. Frame is pitted with rust. Both rear wheel seals are leaking (bad) small rust hole in right floor .. truck has not been started in 10 years.. ran when parked..all the glass is there but fogged.. tires mismatched and old but have tread..engine is not stuck..engine oil is clean (no water) …radiator has fluid inside …not original paint..it desperately needs a bath … it’s covered in pine sap and pine needles and held captive by 6 inch pine trees all around it. I want this truck but don’t want to overpay. I see (what I consider) high asking prices but asking doesn’t mean they get sold for the asking. Is this truck worth 5 grand ? What would you consider paying.?
  9. Thank you for these responses… I’ll keep searching for a single axle dump truck … but sounds like a conversion is at least a possibility
  10. Thank you for that information
  11. I guess I just need to be patient. It’s very frustrating.
  12. Thank you for responding.. I am looking for a B model. I let my B42 go years ago and have regretted it ever since. I’m not a trucker…just a hobbiest
  13. Newbie question….I really like the short wheelbase B42 with a dump body. I had one 36 years ago. I don’t see many around for sale. my question is …can you convert a tandem axle to single axle ? and can the wheelbase be changed ? Are there existing holes in the frame to do this ? Is this a common thing they might have been done “ back in the day”? I hope this isn’t a dumb question .. thanks in advance
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