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Craig N

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Craig N last won the day on June 13 2023

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About Craig N

  • Birthday 07/13/1977


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  • My Truck
    1958 B-42
  • Interests
    Everyone loves trucks, even if they tell you they don’t.
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  1. Had fun in the local 4th of July parade with the B. Hope everyone is doing well!
  2. Man, I can’t thank you guys enough!! Thank you. This information is such a valuable resource. I used to do wheel seals 20 years ago on the R models I was driving, but it’s been a while for sure and I know these are different. I remember having to hit the axle with a sledgehammer for it to pop out.
  3. So, I’m gonna tackle the rear inner wheel seal soon. I’m gonna pull the wheels, then, I’m gonna pull the spider, right? Then I can slide the drum off? Just making sure I have a decent plan before I go ahead. Also, how do I get grease into these front wheel bearings? This is the old grease cap, right? Do these covers unscrew? Anyone going to the truck show in Bolton, MA this weekend?
  4. This is all of ours and whoever stumbles across it looking for good info!
  5. So, if I have oil dripping onto my inner rear wheel, that’s an inner seal, right?
  6. Oh yeah, I see it now. They replaced the green bulldog bracket for a chrome one. Thanks for that info!! I’ll cover up the door hinges with them.
  7. The manual I bought off of eBay isn’t complete. It only covers the fuel system. Must’ve been a big stack of books for these, because my manuals over 100 pages ha. Yeah, I need some books for sure. Got a cheap oil pressure gauge working for now at least. I was rummaging though my Mack parts that came with the truck. I have all sorts of small, interior stuff that came with this. Anyone have any idea what some of these are for? Thought the B 422 emblem was cool.
  8. Was only at 50 or so when driving it when it was cold.
  9. That’s a good idea. Used to have one in my 66 LTD. Wish I still had it now lol.
  10. Yeah, oil pressure gauge for the motor. It has 40 at cold idle, nothing alarming.
  11. So, my old oil gauge (Stewart Warner) was filling up with oil and I replaced it today with a new one. Now the same thing happened with the brand new one. Filled right up. What the hell am I doing wrong? The fitting screws right on the back of the gauge. No leaks from the fitting, but the oil actually starts filling up the face of the gauge. Can dump it out the light socket.
  12. So, I just pulled the line off before the air cans coming out of the compressor and there’s no oil coming out of it at all. A little bit of moisture, but no oil. I still have the donor truck and there is no signs of oil in the air lines or in the air tanks, so that’s a good sign. The truck that I’m driving had the original brake chambers chock full of oil, so I’m going with the old compressor (1960) on the old motor was shot and leaking oil by. I think I just need to work the oil out of the complete system on the green one and will hopefully be good to go. It builds air quickly and brings it right up to 120 before the governor kicks in. Good news for sure!
  13. I’ll take the line off tomorrow and let it pump out. This is the compressor that was on the donor engine. Was built in 1989. The one on the original engine is from 1960. Can’t even find replacement numbers for the 1960 one. The 1989’s numbers still exist. Both TU-Flo 500’s, but the old one is obviously an older model.
  14. Signal Stat typical truck lights with 1157’s in them and back ups in there too.
  15. Oh nice. Yeah, I was under it yesterday and looked like I could slip it passed the exhaust. Where did you source a compressor? Power Brake Sales in California will rebuild mine, but they don’t have one to sell me. I’m on the other coast too, so wouldn’t mind finding someone closer to rebuild mine if possible.
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