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  1. Troy8182


    Can anyone help me find a chasis wiring diagram for a 2005 granit Mack cv713?any help would be much appreciated!
  2. Looking for an engine wiring diagram for a 2005 granit Mack cv713!!! Any help would be appreciated
  3. I have a 2005 cv713 granit Mack that a different Teck put a rear diff in and ever since the 4 studs that the big bracket sits on will not stay tigh! I have tried thread locking them and no luck! I was wondering if anyone would have any idea of why or how to fix ! Never had this issue till he replaced it!
  4. Troy8182

    no start

    I have ruled out fuel issues but i shook some wires over off the ecm and the other harness and it started once. we let it run and then shut it down and havehad no luck getting it to start again no matter what wires we shake! any good ideas on how to trace this issue? im not a electric guy
  5. i have a granit mack 2005 with a mp7 engine and im having issues on low side jake brake i was curious wich cover was high and wich was low side that way i didnt half to pull both covers? any help would be much appreciated
  6. Troy8182

    no start

    im getting a 4-2 and a 7-3
  7. Troy8182

    no start

    I have a 2005 granit mack that came in for a tire change, the driver shut it sown and it would not start again! i have primed it several time got all fuel no air and still will not start> i have even tried alittle either just to see if that would do anything and it acted like it wanted to for a second but would never do anything. i have checked battereries and all of that and everything seems good the truck just wont start. any suggestions would be helpful thanks!
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