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    Harrison, AR

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    1988 R690
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  1. Full set of spoke wheels and radiator shutter looks intact.
  2. Ok folks here it is. I found this ol girl in a field sometime ago. I bought it and had it towed home. I don't need it but I couldn't let it go to scrap. She's pretty rough but I wanted to give everyone a chance for a part or two. The cab is pretty straight, needs floor pans. It has a tip turbine engine that doesn't run, and a five speed. Gauges all are there. Shoot me a message if there's something you might be interested in. Thanks ,Cole.
  3. Cool. I'll give it a look.
  4. Vlad, your insight makes sense. I'm not starting a project or anything. It was just one of those times when you go " I wonder..." Now I know why its not a common modification. As always good talking to everyone. Have a good weekend.
  5. Jones doesn't offer a R700 hood. At least I can't find one on the website. I recently read a post here about a CL that had been converted to a set forward axle. Then they had to "stretch" a CH hood to complete the conversion. That got me to thinking. Mech, I think you're on the right track. Splicing two hoods would be a better option.
  6. I hope this topic hasn't been beaten to death. Have any of you ever had a R600 hood lengthened to R700 specs? Is there anyone who does it professionally? I suspect that any reputable fiberglass shop could do the job, but someone who did custom semi work might understand the idea a bit more. Thanks to all.
  7. Maybe the gauge was upside down? Just having a bit of fun. In all seriousness, I've been there too. It's painful, embarrassing and expensive. Hope everyone is ok.
  8. Thanks all of you for the info. The history that all of you have stored away is always impressive. "Mech" you are correct on the truck being a 685ST. Build sheet from Mack says that the rears are 38K. I kind of suspected that the round tubes were just an older design like Terry had stated. Everyone have a good weekend.
  9. Hello all. I've recently acquired a '75 R685 for a parts truck/ fixer upper ( not sure yet ). As the title says the rear diff housings have round axle tubes instead of the square that I am used to. The carriers are Cr 92 & 93 , same as my other rigs. My question is are there any differences in round vs square housings. Are they just an old design? Thanks all.
  10. That one will be the envy of all the wrecker guys in your area. Even if they won't admit.
  11. Not much anhydrous is used around here. That's flat land stuff. Ammonium Nitrate is all that available around here. Along with DAP and Potash it's the cheapest of the three, but still too expensive.
  12. The spreaders are New Leader 3020. They have step up motors that turn the fans. This keeps them turning at the same RPM no matter the trucks speed. Theoretically. 1500 RPM on the motor is where I typically run. This gets me 7ish MPH field speed and the beds seem to perform well at that RPM. And yes I've seen my camelbacks for some impressive stuff. My 88 has a 38k and the 93 has a 44k. Honestly the 38K gets better traction and holds the terrain better.
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