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Everything posted by MorrisMe

  1. good plan, as one will be enough. enough parts between them to make one nice truck. Question: How do you burn though 5 gallons of gas in an hour? Warm up a Hall Scott. Ha ha.
  2. any idea what it sold for?
  3. This is B-21F10009, originally sold to Seattle Fire Department and sold in 1992 to the guy i bought it from. He bought both of them and took them home, now they both moved to my place. This one (009) was fully restored in 1980-1981 according to records from the Fire department and has some upgraded feature like the air brake lock, tail lights, and some other minor things. So far the brakes are holding pressure, an releasing, it moved a couple inches, rocking it with my truck, should be able to move it this weekend.
  4. Yeah, i couldn't leave it behind. I am now the proud owner of two Mack B-21 Fire Apparatus pump trucks, both 09, and 10 same build up. I haven't brought the second one home yet, that will probably be this weekend.
  5. it is certainly something to be appreciated in person. you can feel the beat of each cylinder, it is amazing.
  6. Rebuilt the fuel pump, and had to remove the oil cooler, it needs rebuilt or replaced. Cleaned the oil pan out, flushed the cooling system, back up and running. Runs super nice and man is it smooth running. drove it around the house today and received a full Armstrong steering workout. This is one amazing rig, torque at 600rpm is incredible, (I only needed the throttle for the sound ha ha), brakes are working good, pump is up next. I ended up buying the twin sister truck as well, so now I have to go bring it home. It appears to be in even better condition than this one.
  7. Washington, south of Seattle in the Auburn area.
  8. Start up and running video 20221206_103420.mp4
  9. She is alive, fired it up tonight! Runs smooth, good oil pressure, air pumped up solid, drives forward and back, stops. Super excited. Man this thing sucks the fuel, and the fuel pump needs to be rebuilt, but so far so good. Going to go through electrical next and make sure everything is working. I will try and get a video of it and share. Mark
  10. Says Mack fire apparatus Sidney Ohio.
  11. Not sure but I recall seeing something, I'll check and let you know where it was built. It was delivered to Seattle and lived there until 1987, we went to the fire department today and received a bunch of data on the truck.
  12. Pressure washed and then it started to snow
  13. Picture of getting it home before cleaning.
  14. Yes the cowl and the nose have extensions, from the cab spec sheet. Mine is a combo of the two but not actually shown. I will check it the Mack historical site. I am super excited to have found this. So far sheet metal is in great shape minimal rust anywhere, but cleaning up may show more. Lots of cleaning to do but so far very solid rig. No visible damage, did the initial pressure wash today. Engine turns free but haven't gone much further. I'll keep posting on progress. Thanks, Mark
  15. I just bought a 1958 Mack B-21 semi cab long nose with the 1091 Hall Scott and 1507 gpm pump serial number 10. It was delivered to Seattle fire department on 12/01/1957. Very cool truck
  16. Just bought a 1958 B-21 firetruck, fully enclosed semi cab, been sitting for 30 years. It has the 1091 Hall Scott Engine, 5 speed trans and the 1500 pump. I am looking everywhere for more information on these but have not had a lot of luck. It is from the Seattle Fire Department. I really know nothing about Mack truck (besides that I always wanted one) and when I saw this parked under the tree, I had to buy it. It belonged an old guy that recently passed away, and the family was trying to get rid of it. Looks to be in generally great shape considering, nothing major missing that I can tell, well maintained as expected from a fire department and other than the long sitting, will make a nice project. signed up on the B registry Any information on this would be welcome,
  17. Just picked up a B-21 Gas fire truck and it has the shutters, they are plumed into the cooling system, but I have not started the truck yet or check the function. It does look like the would work based on temp.
  18. Just bought and registered my first Mack truck, B-21 fire truck with Hall Scott 1091, and 1507 pump
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