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Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. HA! That's what mine do to. Always under your feet, but we love them and wouldn't have it any other way! Thank you Freightrain, update this weekend. I have been doing bodywork, getting it ready for paint. The roof was very damaged. It's coming along. Best Regards.....Frank
  2. Hi Bob, thanks for the reply. Yes, the pups keep me going. And she is ready to go fishing! Thats her new fishing pole, she loves yellow! New update this weekend.....Frank
  3. Pic 1- Fenders off for body work Pic 2- Hood and headlight panels ready for paint prep. Pic 3- Gracie modeling next to the fenders Pic 4- Repaired damage to the radiator shell. Cut out the rusted pieces to replace with new sheet metal. Finished up with body putty and primer. Pics 5 & 6- Polished the stainless hood ornaments. Others that won't polish will send out to be re- chromed. Pics 7 & 8- Frank's support team!
  4. Thank you Geoff! That helps a lot, great info just what I needed. tjc juice brakes.
  5. Here are some pictures of the brake band. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  6. I did not take a picture of the parking brake on my B20 before I took it apart. I had the band relined by Specialty Brake in Florida. They did a nice job. Now I am putting it back and cannot figure it out. Does anybody have a picture of how it goes back together? I am at a loss!
  7. I did an oil & filter change. I will run it awhile then do another oil/filter change. Bought a new battery and cables. It got a new starter switch & coil. I am going to do a carb rebuild later, so far it starts and runs fine. All the other fluids will be changed, the radiator gets flushed and refilled. It did have the one post mirror on the driver side. It's going to be replaced with the Mack bubble mirrors. (Got a pair with the mounting brackets from a Fire Truck) One nice thing is it still has all the hood chrome and the B20 emblems. They will be sent out to be chrome plated. Thank you for all the support and advice! More pictures to be added. This is a nice forum. Best Regards.....Frank
  8. Good evening forum members. I have a few updates on the B model Restoration I am doing. I cleaned and painted the engine, did a complete tune up, (the engine now runs great) cleaned and reinstalled the original gas tank, (it was bypassed with a jug holding gas). The hydraulic tank for the hoist was empty now it is full and lifts the box. Also have the brakes grabbing but they need more service. First all the mechanical stuff then on to the cosmetics. Have a great New Years!.....Frank
  9. I'm not sure what the Love Canal and a salvage yard have in common. The Hooker Chemicals and others like them around the country are guilty of the contamination for sure. As for our local salvage yard, there will be nuts, bolts and brake shoes etc. turning up for years. Not much different from any junk yard.
  10. Hi tjc, I am up in Northern Wisconsin farm country. He is making a small fortune with his salvage yard, and he can sell the yard at his desire.
  11. Hi Paul, that is sad. We are lucky that there are still some salvage yards around. The one in my pictures actually has four Mack trucks. Three are R-Models, one B and a fire truck. Many trucks of all kinds and farm tractors and machinery. A lucky, valuable resource to be sure!
  12. Hi Bob, you are right! They are hard to find, and you sure can't get them at the local auto store. Those snacks keep the troops happy!
  13. Hi Paul, yes it was a good trip for needed parts. The pooches are always ready, willing and able to help if a cookie is offered!
  14. Hello forum members, yesterday the weather was right for a trip to our local salvage yard. We managed to get some parts for the B20 Mack. Parts needed were a right front fender, radiator shell, and shutters. Before the trip I had a chance to see if the headlights worked, and yes, they did. Time well spent while awaiting some tune up parts. Have a great productive weekend!.....Frank
  15. Thank you again D2Denny, that helps! Great info, just what I needed!
  16. Thank you D2Denny! a lot of good information, I'll get Tractor Supply & NAPA
  17. Hi topo, it has the 291ci. 107 hp.
  18. Good morning forum members. I need to do a tune up on my B20 Magnadyne gas engine. What are the recommendations for parts, spark plug gaps and point gaps? Also oil and trans fluid and rear end fluid. My plan is to get it running so I can get it in and out of the shop with no problems and while at it feel confident it is ready to run. Thanks.....Frank
  19. Thanks' Bob yes, I am lucky to have a big shop. Although they never seem big enough. Thank you MACKS it was a super Birthday gift. Now the fun starts!
  20. Hi Mark T and mowerman, Thanks for the happy birthday and best wishes! It came out of Montana and today I cleaned up the cab, much to my surprise no rust and a solid floor. Hope the rest goes as smooth. More pics as the work progresses. Happy Mack Day.....Frank
  21. Hi Steve & mrsmackpaul, thank you for the Happy Birthday! Planning on restoring it and make it a parade truck. The helpers are willing especially when you're on the creeper!
  22. Hi forum members. Today is my 75th. birthday and my wife bought me a new project. A B20 dump truck! It is going to be a lot of fun and agony! Can't wait to get started!
  23. Hi Bob, I got one from a Mack fire truck at a salvage yard. It really makes a great sounding horn! My copilot (she's in the pictures with the red Mack tee shirt) says you can hear it in the next county!
  24. Hi Bob, thank you, hope all is well with you. You have to start with a vision and yes, it has come a long way since the beginning. It does drive very nice and smooth. The lowboy trailer is a '99 Talbert, I tore off the old deck, repaired anything that needed it. Sand blasted, primed and painted it and redecked it with 2" oak, then stained the new boards. I still have work to do on the Mack. It takes time but for now I can drive it and have fun!
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