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Everything posted by rz761

  1. Call Richie @ 607-725-3639 Thanks
  2. hmmmm, this is great. the more you people talk and ramble how you would never call about a trailer that doesnt post a price, the more calls I get. For those of you that have such a hard time accepting I didnt put a price on the add, I really dont care what you guys think. I dont care how one would, should, or could advertise. I do it my way. I dont see anyone giving the guy shit that has the b-model concave cab for sale on here with no price. If you guys really needed a price so you can make sure that im not fucking you or fucking myself whether it be 1,000 or 10,000, you can thank matt for that. My price is fair for what it is and what it needs. I got quite a few questions about the crossmembers and main beams, if there was rot on them. As deep as I have looked at this trailer, there is not one crossmember rotted on it. I dont think its seen salt very often. People ask if they can hook onto it and take it away, sure go ahead, I just cant gaurantee a non eventful trip back. SO for all you guys that still seem to knock how I advertise, go ahead, I wouldnt change a thing if I were to do it over again. Like some of the posts state, I have my reason for not showing prices. Mostly to keep the tire kickers away that say oh wow thats to much, or oh only if my wife would let me have that. What the fuck, give me a break. So once again with that said, I think we can focus on a trailer I have for sale now? Thanks Richie 607-725-3639
  3. Yeah, and maybe thats your problem. Im not sure how you would survive 20 years ago when all the for sale adds were in the morning paper or magazines. I think you calling me asking about this trailer would be the easiest part of the task, knowing if you bought it, you would have to CALL and get a trucker lined up to take it to Georgia. But until the day comes that its mandatory to put price, location, and contact, ill advertise how I want to. Thanks for the interest. RIchie
  4. For those who dont call because price isnt listed, maybe its better that way. You werent looking for a trailer anyway. I wouldnt want to waste anyones time because people think Im asking to much. But for those of you on here that did call me, I appreciate the interest and wanting to know more about the trailer and not go on here a criticise how I adrvertise. Richie
  5. This topic is getting ridiculous. GG I have a lowboy trailer for sale. I have a job and a family and that takes alot of my time. You claim you dont have time to call and bullshit but yet you make the time to sit down, sign on the computer to truck forums and respond to peoples posts. Doesnt really make any point that picking up the phone is just to time consuming. Especially if you check things out on ebay. That takes alot of time also. So back to yet again my ending statement. For those of you that have the time to pick up the phone and would like further information about a trailer one might be interested in and make arrangments to see it, please give me a call. But if its more convienient and less time consuming to post on this forum when one is available to look at it and when Im available to show it to somebody, I guess just keep posting on this topic. That seems to make the most sence right?? I think so. Richie 607-725-3639
  6. Thank you for your input, but obviously you dont need it that bad. We are all a small group of guys on here that our main reason for being on this forum is for Mack trucks. So whats wrong with giving me a call and asking about the trailer if really interested? Get done with that conversation and then start shooting the breeze about trucks? I may not sell the trailer on this forum, but in the meantime I might make a friend or two. Putting the word out there of their needs and interests they are looking for. Thats what the forum is all about. Yeah I got a trailer for sale and I stated anyone interested please call. You guys are trying to make it so easy on yourselves that you dont have to pick up the phone and call on something for sale. Its shocking. So go ahead, dont call if I dont have a price on here. The stuff I have for sale is priced reasonably that the phone call will not be wasted. So have a good nite everyone. Enjoy the holidays. Richie
  7. No thanks, the serious ones will call. Id rather deal over the phone. Thats why I left my number on here. You want to know, you are more that welcome to call me. Richie 607-725-3639
  8. It is located in Binghamton NY. Anyone interested please call Richie @ 607-725-3639
  9. Lowboy in nice shape. just needs deck boards and paint. not rotted on the crossmembers like they normally do. 10.00x15 tires. 25 ft of flate deck including over the wheels. Anyone interested please call Richie @ 607-725-3639
  10. I have for sale an F-model parts unit. I needed the cab for another project and the rest is up for sale. Has a 237 with a 5 speed. Rears are crd93's with 417 ratio. Wheel base from front hub to trunion is 144''. anyone looking to have a project or need parts off of this, please give me a call. Thanks Richie 607-725-3639
  11. anyone interested in a nice set of MB doors not all rotted out complete let me know. also have the weird air over hydraulic front disk brakes. brakes in good shape if there is someone out there that has a firetruck built like that or another MB. But anyways, call me if anyone is interested. let it go cheap. richie 607-725-3639
  12. i have a transmission bell housing for roadranger transmission out of a mack that had a 673 in it. larger bell housing that has the 7/16 bolts to mount it. any interest please call richie @ 607-725-3639 I can ship if there is a distance issue, prices are pretty reasonable. so please call if interested. i dont check the forum every day. thanks richie
  13. CRD 93's. anyone interested in a light duty tandem rear set up. very slow ratios. i think they are 38,000's 5 spoke dayton. thought i would put it on here for someone thats been looking possibly. let me know also have a et673A 245hp engine that looks like someone started to rebuild and gave up. dont know anything about it but the heads, manifolds, pump, oil pan, everything is there other than the turbo. if anyone is remotly interested please call me soon. 607-725-3639 richie
  14. call me @ 607-725-3639 I may have some springs for you. thanks richie
  15. yes thats me richie
  16. unfortunatly no. not right at the moment. richie
  17. I have this front clip off a truck ive been saving because of the nice steel dash in it. The rest of the cab was toast and saved the most that i could. I would like to sell if anyone is interested. Plenty of little trinkets on this save. Please give Richie a call @ 607-725-3639
  18. wow looks like i cant spell today I want a mack quadruplex shift pattern. the 18 speed plate is the pattern i need. anyone able to help please call richie
  19. 18 speed just the shift pattern. dont need the transmission.
  20. looking for one in good shape. call me 607-725-3639. thanks richie
  21. I have this old speedometer that i got out of an E model. The condition isnt the greatest but the glass isnt broke and the milage is clear. Obvoiusly would need to be restored but definatly a good canidate or a good parts piece. Im guessing the value at $100. got to be worth that. Anyone interested please call 607-725-3639 Richie
  22. I have this cummins take out. I had it running, but it needs a turbo. Anyone out there that would like this for parts or rebuild it, or put it in a site truck, the sky is the limit. Core guy can give me $500. Anyone willing to come and get it for $500, its yours. Richie 607-725-3639
  23. Located in Binghamton NY. It is road worthy, pulled it home 80 miles. Tires will need to be replaced at some point. Im asking $3500. Any interest please call.
  24. out of a 67 r-model. has only a few small tears on the edges. maybe 2 small ones. good shape. $200 607-725-3639 richie
  25. well if they are a little rough, then maybe they arent for you. i listed this stuff for sale to sell, not to talk about how rough the shape is in some peoples eyes. so i will say it again, if anyone is interested in this stuff, my number is listed. anyone that wants parts or wants to talk about f-models, my number is there to call. thank you richard
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