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  1. @Mackpro @Onyx610 I’m down here in Georgia and it started in early December when we had a run of rain for about a month. Rained every other day for the entire month. I also recently started taking my truck to places that have a lot of mud and gravel. I bought a new abs sensor for the front and toner ring. I’ll have someone check all that out. Thanks for the advice. I’ll let you know how it goes. God bless.
  2. I own a 2012 cxu613 mp8 mdrive vin 021248. Im having an issue that nobody can figure out. I changed my batteries in December and now I’m having transmission issues. I had to change the battery because one went bad and was steaming out the side vent. The inactive fault from the title is the only code I get. The truck will be running perfectly and then the throttle cuts out, boost cuts out, and speed slowly coasts with no power or acceleration. It’s like the truck goes in to limp mode. Sometimes it catches gear and keeps going, sometimes I have to get off the hwy and wait for it to shift back down to a lower gear. I’ve heard of things similar to this with Volvos involving the ribbon harness, but nothing ever with Mack. I’ve noticed that when I get going on the hwy if I put cruise control at 55 it never loses power and this issue doesn’t exist. Right now I don’t have any active codes and the bendix isn’t showing any bad abs sensors. Could it be Exciter ring miscommunication with abs module?
  3. 2012 mack pinnacle cxu613 mdrive vin 021248
  4. I’m getting an inactive communication code of mid130 psid204 fmi8. When driving the truck it cuts throttle and boost, and the rpm hold steady at 1k. The issues comes and goes every so often sometimes 10 minutes, 30 minutes etc. No active codes just one inactive. No one can seem to tell me how they’ve fixed this issue in the past. Is it a wiring harness, exciter ring, ribbon wire harness? Anything will help so I’m not throwing unnecessary money at this issue. I have video of the issue but it won’t let me load it here. PLEASE HELP!!
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