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  1. Central illinois
  2. I Have a 95 ch that I've ran this year. I'm gonna make this short but frame busted last week and I made the decision to walk away from it and just get a different truck. Engine is low miles overhaul everything else about the truck is good just bad frame. What I'm wondering is what are my options to get rid of it. I don't want to do the whole screw the next guy thing and sell it like it's perfect so that's out of the question. Didn't know if a partout was my only option or if anyone else in my shoes has another solution. Like I said I'm not fixing it it's just not justified to me so that's not an option.
  3. Thank for for the help I believe I found the problem I tested the harness to the solenoids and if you move the wire a certain way it grounds it out so I have a harness coming tomorrow hopefully that fixes it
  4. I’ll give it a whirl. Like I said it stuck on then went away and I can’t get it to do it again
  5. It’s got the jacobs 680 not the dynatard if that helps
  6. So my Jake’s stuck on today had no issues I wen to pull away after dumping and they stayed on and bellowed white smoke got out of the way flipped the switch twice on and off and it went away and they worked fine. Where do I start? I pulled the valve cover and manually depressed the solenoids and everything seemed to function correctly
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