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Everything posted by Ray57

  1. Ray57

    Mack ch613

    Still have it its the only place i post my truck yes still for sale
  2. Ray57

    Mack ch613

  3. Mack ch613 for sale in great condition runs good new rear tires all u joints new all drive axle balance and replace e-7 427 engine 28,500 OBF
  4. IMG_2715.MOV Just put a slip yoke and its brand new and haves lots of play the old one had blue plastic thing on it and the new don’t please help
  5. Ok thanks i will do this tomorrow morning great help 😎
  6. Not familiar but i can search up a video
  7. I know its a 405 but the series i have to look
  8. Yes please
  9. Mack ch 613 rear height please help
  10. Wao thanks
  11. 4.17 differential oil wat should i use
  12. Thanks just want to make sure mines its on the exact Height for a smoother ride
  13. Mack ch613 Rear level measures
  14. Thanks so much good to know i will bring to my mechanic to do a valve adjustment
  15. U mean no engine brake at all because i put the engine brake and works but not that strong thanks for the great info
  16. Vin check please 1M1AA18Y61W138867 Mack ch 613 need more info
  17. I never heard that thats good to know i have one at the house brand new for 12.7 Detroit
  18. Thanks ill go look now
  19. 2001 Mack ch613 e-7 427 can some help me with a good aftermarket turbo for it
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