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Ryon Hess

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  1. Recently got truck and cab mount bushings are actually gone. Mack discontinued them so long ago that no part numbers in system and with all bushings gone I can’t bring in to machine shop for duplicates. Anyone have part numbers or info to help? Appreciate it
  2. So I ran the vin on this new to me MH613 and ordered an air filter but showed up with one closed end and one open end. Cabovers run the both end open style I’ve discovered and having some trouble finding this style, any of yous running this both end open style filter and have a place you get yours to recommend or part number. Appreciate any info
  3. Hey, thanks for chiming in. Turns out that my 306ffl can simply be replaced with the more available 306ssl (stainless steel locking btw) and if you don’t need the locking ring with your setup you can just remove it and use bearing without apparently
  4. Hello, pilot bearing is shot. Mack says it’s obsolete of course. # on front is 306ffle and back is BCA-306seal anybody dealt with this/have any input? Would be appreciated
  5. Thanks, if this is the case. If pressure plate is thinner then what would fix that scenario? Maybe flywheel needs machining also. Don’t think that was done.
  6. With clutch in it jumps forward in gear. Will go in gear with truck off and then when it starts immediately jumps forward with clutch in. thanks for reply. Has been adjusted a ton. Thinking maybe linkage or something with clutch brake. Definitely don’t want to have to pull tranny again if can help it 😂
  7. Grinds. Feels the same but also trying to get shift linkage in perfect spot so feels a bit different kinda. Friend was saying could just be clutch brake had a little more adjusting
  8. Interesting, good info. Thanks, E6 is new to me. Ohh yeah, definitely agree.. beats a check engine light 😂
  9. Had truck a couple weeks and actually not sure but it looks like air throttle was only factory installed in E9 and some CHs around year 2000
  10. Funny because like 4 noticeable days of this happening. Today it has sounded great near best ever for hours.
  11. Yeah but it begins cycling after like down and up that shows from 33psi and at idle time down to 30 up to then down every few seconds then stopsq for minutes until compressor purges then it starts again. If i rev accelerator it goes away for a while sometimes or after driving gone for a while or when truck starts engine sounds great until air pressure builds and air tank releases air then it begins.
  12. Been driving this MH 613 E6 350 a couple weeks now and maybe I didn’t notice at first but lately after it warms up, or when it idles a while after driving, or after correcting itself then the air dryer purging causes engine to start a kind of rise/cycling down up sound that shows a slight drop in oil pressure than directly back up. fuel pump governor? Or maybe air dryer related? anybody encounter this or have any thoughts? They’d be appreciated. Y’all dudes been behind these Mack’s so long you’re a great resource for narrowing things down rather than a random shop
  13. Anyone encountered a cover leak on there gearbox before? I think it’s even spraying a little by the specks on back of cab and fuel tanks nearby. Maybe breather is clogged and pressurization would explain the spray or a worn gasket? Maybe tower is loose also? When truck was ran first time in 8 years local shop thought the cover was issue but that didn’t fix.
  14. that sounds like first thing to check and fingers crossed most likely thing. Haven’t replaced shift linkage before. Easy to get replacement parts? I’m gonna message photos of truck because they aren’t uploading for some reason
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