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  1. So my truck has been running fine for now. As far as black smoke problem. It is lot better not completly fixed. It still gives out black smoke but 1 or 2 sec between the gears. My EGR pressure sensor was bad.
  2. Thanks i will check it out
  3. Yes it is deleted
  4. Yes it is deleted truck. When old turbo was fine it use to run fine. Going to take it back to get a exhaust and boost leak check and VGT calibration checked. I tried myself to check for leak. I found exhaust leak but still cant find boost leak
  5. You know the sound when air leaks thru a small pin hole. I can hear that sound. But i cant figure out where its coming from all my pipes and clamps are new.
  6. Its a 2014 mack chu613 with mp8. I just got new turbo and now truck blows black smoke when up shifting and speeding up. Its fine under normal driving.
  7. Hello did ever fix it. My mack has a new turbo it also blow black smoke between gears.
  8. So i got my truck checked. The intake air heater was bad got it replaced and tech put ome more power cable direct from battery. So far truck start fine but it has not been very cold. I will see how much diffrence repairs make and post it. If any one is having the same problem just disconect the ground wire from intake airheater and check. Thanks everyone
  9. So my truck doesnot have EPDM RECALL.
  10. Thanks everybody for reply i will get it checked for recall. Taking it to a tech on 19 jan.
  11. Hello everyone, My truck 2014 chu613 with mp8 engine has cold starting problem. When i turn the key on in the morning after truck has been sitting off for whole night at first my tail lights and backup lights will blink 5 to 6 time . Then my dashboard will flicker 3to4 times before it comes on. Then when i try to start the truck nothing happens .when i check engine hours there nothing there. I had to cycle key on and off many times to get it to start. It does start thou. But when truck gets to operating temprature it does not have this problem it start right away no problems at all. It is deleted truck. I think ecu is not getting power or EPDM has a problem. Any sugestions
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