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  1. Looking to sale my 1970/88 cf Truck has new tires and new rear box with hydraulic ladder rack. Included is 2 draft hoses 1 35ft extension ladders.Drivers wheel well has rust hole and passenger side just needs painted. Batteries are dead and need replaced I have not pumped in over 1 year It runs and drives very good Truck is located in Penn Hills pa just 4 miles east of Pittsburgh. truck needs to go due to local laws and the fact that it has to sit outside.Any questions email me at porterc224@verizon.net or cell (412)612-9025 I am looking for 2300.00 obo
  2. The truck was a first out piece at my dept until 2 years ago it went to storage and was used as a reserve until I purchased it. Their is a converter under the seat . I finally found how to trickle charge the batteries after a little smoke. I was confused about the batteries because they got rid of the a-b and wired them together. So far so good now comes the the registration and insurance and from the other posts antique plates might be hard to get for it. thanks for the info it was very useful
  3. Yes it is 4 6 volts 2 for a 2 for b wired togather to just on off. what is the difference of positive ground compared to a normal system?
  4. I just purchased a 1970 cf600 mack pumper yesterday and was wondering about what type of battery set up it has their are 4 batteries so I am assuming 24 volt system would that be a pos or neg ground system? Also the truck was kept outside this winter and the batteries are dead any hints to get them up and running I was told they were only 2 years old.
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