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Everything posted by bobcotkg

  1. No Jake if memory serves me right
  2. I believe it is a B773
  3. I have seen this truck in person, and almost bought it. Very nice truck. Very little to no rust. I've still got pics on my old phone of it... 262 Cummins and a 13 speed. Really sweet era correct pyrometer on the dash... No power steering but steered like there was power... Make someone a good one! Was wondering if it would ever come up for sale again
  4. I remember seeing it a couple months ago when I was up there. Looked like a good one for somebody!
  5. I almost bought it years ago from Jack, but ya beat me to it! Now my interests have changed... Best of luck selling it!
  6. Mack 5 speed, Spicer 4 speed. Factory. Has power tower. 20 front, maybe heavier. 44 rears on Hendrickson rubber block suspension. Double frame, about 15 feet from cab to center of tandem. Have paperwork on major engine work not long before parked. $25K
  7. The E7 has a aneroid valve (puff limiter) and if you unhook it it will run worse!!! My E6 had the same setup on it. The valve that the line from the intake goes to is obviously the aneroid valve. Its on the governor. There is a plug that takes an allen wrench to take it out. Get in there with a flat tip screw driver, and turn it so it goes away from the radiator. (If I remember right) The goal is to have less spring tension on it. Its pretty obvious, nothing to screw up. Take it for a little spin. If you went the wrong way It'll be a turd...Just turn it back the other way. This setup is different than the earlier pumps. You could simply unhook them, or put a valve in the line...
  8. I've got an '86 with an E9 and 5x4 transmission that might be looking for a home, especially if guys are wanting that kinda money for them!
  9. The bed on my B61 is very similar to this one and I'd guess it weighs 4 or 5000 pounds at best. I hauled mine complete with a couple tires in it on my 1 ton flated truck and it handled fine
  10. And the battery box bottoms
  11. Need more fuel to go with that turbo. If it only gets 1050 now
  12. Just pulling up on the pedal will not free the button
  13. I'm with green giant. That button under the pedal sticks, happened to the truck I drive frequently after it sat for a week, on my LTL ect. They suck how they are designed.Pry it up with a bar and squirt some panther piss on it
  14. Run a truck with a dynatard and complain about ituntil its broken, then you realize how muchit actually helps. I'm thinking those Jake kits are around $2500from Tec brake
  15. You're injection pump might need a rebuild. My E7 started missing a little. I talked to my buddy and he said he had a E7 do that and it wasn't a dad miss, just a slight miss. Swapped pumps off a known good engine and it was fine. Mine has another issue, getting compression in the fuel return line! Wil fix that tomorrow... If your puf limiter jigger wouldn't cause a miss. Be a sluggish turd, but wouldn't miss. Timing wouldn't make it miss either
  16. Check the timing. Could be slow. You'll have to have the fancy tool to do it is all. The gearbox up by the injection pump that runs the tach went bad on mine. Make sure its good before you put a new cable on it.
  17. Hey Green giant, why don't you sell me your Heiliner and you can buy the JD???
  18. A power tower it a PTO that goes ontop of a brownie transmission comonly used to run a winch. You put the brownie in neutral and use the main transmission to make the winch go
  19. I'd imagine doing what I told ya, you should be happy.
  20. That would be the fuel plate. If you took the spring out, dont worry about taking it off. To get more RPM, first be sure the throttle lever is opening all the way, should "cam over". After that there is a throttle stop on the pump the throttle arm hits. Have to disable the tamper proofing and then turn the screw in a couple turns. Check free RPM. shouldn't go over 2350 / 2400.
  21. If its the one I'm thinkng of, take the puffer off, there will be a fuel plate in there. Slide it ahead for more power. The air diafram was / is probably bad in that puffer, hence taking the spring out fixed it. You can take the plug out of the top and there is a star wheel that you turn with a screw driver (Like a brake adjuster on a car) that basically releases the spring tension. By rights, you can take the puffer off completely and just make a cover to cover the gov. housing... The other style puffers just plug the line going to the pump.
  22. I know the truck. Has a 262 with a fabbed up cooler. Probably a 300? It has been kept out. Clean overall but needs little TLC
  23. I like it.
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