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nam vet

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  • My Truck
    1957 B62sx with a factory Holmes 750 split boom wrecker
  • Interests
    I am an old hot rod guy. I thought doing a truck would be something different

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  1. I have a 57 B sitting here in my yard that was spec'd out and factory built as a wrecker. Its got a Holmes 750 split boom and 2 huge winches. It originally started out as a B62 but over the years it was swapped out to an ENDT673. Right now the cab is off because of rust, but I have a replacement cab that is almost ready to be installed shortly. Trying to get that done b4 the cold weather gets here.
  2. Forgot to ask--- do you have a part #?
  3. Thats even better than my idea. I was saying mount 4 filters because of the size of the two filters that are already mounted to the truck. Is one filter sufficient?
  4. Ok, I need some input. I am trying to get rid of those two ugly oil filters that are in my first two pictures(one of those pictures should have been of a rusty old Luber Finer, not sure where it went) and just trying to clean up the exterior of my B. I am thinking about remote oil filter mounts, like on a race car. I have an area that I can hide them very nicely and they take spin on filters like a Baldwin B99 size. I can plumb them into my existing set up with no changes and ditch the two old filters. I can get either single filter mounts or a mount the has two filters. I am thinking 4 filters for my setup, either 4 mounts or 2 double mounts plumbed in series. Race car mounts seem to be the best option because the fittings are for a larger hoses. Help ? Comments? Advice? Thanks Bob
  5. Hi Terry, I checked my motor and it is equipped with an oil cooler so I probably don't need the one you have, but I am still interested in the oil filter stand if you are interested in selling it separately. Looking at some of the pictures of the spin on set up, I don't see any of the 2 hoses that run to the oil cooler and the one line that runs to the turbo. Are they just hidden behind the filters? Thanks again for your help.
  6. Ok ,here's what I got from this info. I need to look for a 2 or 3 spin on oil filter housing from a 625/237 Mack motor starting in about 1967, that was equiped with a turbo. Gasket are still available and its a straight forward bolt on swap. Terry asked if I had an oil cooler,not sure where to look or what they look like, if you guys could help me with that I would appreciate it. Also if any of you Mack guys have the correct oil filter housing I would prefer buying it off a Mack guy rather than searching for one. Truck salvage yards are few and far between here in Mass. Thanks to everybody for all your help!
  7. Was the 675/237 a factory motor in some B models or are they transplants?
  8. The motor in my B was swapped over to an ENDT 673(gold in color if that helps determine the vintage). The first picture shows the oil filter mounting plate that is mounted to the block with hoses going to a Luber Finer and a secondary oil filter that is in the second picture. (I have the cab off the frame and just needed a place to hang the filter, that' why it looks a little strange). My question is, I have a parts motor with the original style oil filter mounted directly to the block(third picture). That motor is a End 673. NO TURBO. Can I take the oil filter plate off the first motor and get rid of all the hoses and 2 crappy oil filters and just bolt on the original style oil filter with no oiling problems? Also if thats possible is the gasket to mount the original oil filter to the block still available? Thanks Bob
  9. I am installing a used/rebuilt air compressor on my "B" with a 673. The compressor came of a running engine and already has oil circulated thru it {not self lubricating}. Do I need to add any more oil or will the engine oil fill it fast enough when I start the engine B4 there is any compressor damage? Thanks
  10. When I drain my air tanks I am getting oil mixed in with the water/air. Its a fair amount and if I leave the petcocks open it will drip small amounts of oil for a day or so. I am thinking the air compressor is bad. Am I on the right track?
  11. Was the air compressor with the pump mounted on it a common Mack part? If so what years should I be looking at and are the air compressors fairly standard to bolt up to a 673 engine? Thanks
  12. The pump mounted on the air compressor might be the way I have to go. A few people have suggested mounting another pulley on the crank and mounting a belt driven pump up on the engine. Not sure, because I have not done a lot of investigation, but it looks like and extra pulley would push the balancer out to far and it would rub/hit the radiator. This is on a B61 and there is not a lot of room between the balancer and radiator to begin with.
  13. Anybody out there have a GOOD B model generator that was equiped with power steering that is for sale? The PS pump mounts on the back of the generator. I would even buy just the correct armature if its a good one. Thanks
  14. I have a 57B with factory power steering. The pump is mounted to the back of the generator. I took the pump off to send the generator out to be rebuilt. The pictures are not that great but I need the rubber isolator in the back of the pump. Any suggestions?? Thanks
  15. Its been interesting but I think I have my problem figured out. Over the past few months I have posted questions about engine length,engine placement and trans mounts. I figured out my problem was gas engine tranny mounts on a diesel engine which pushed the the whole deal forward about 2 1\2 in. After putting the correct mounts on the tranny and pushing the whole combination back into the factory position I still couldnt get the tranny to sit in the correct position. After a few days off to clear my head I started with a fresh outlook. After much investigation,the pictures show what I found. My truck is a 57 B with the emergency brake drum on the driveshaft. The linkage for the e brake setup was sitting on the air tank, holding the trans up just enough so nothing would line up correctly. Moved the air tank back and everything fell into place and the leaning motor straightened up better. Thanks to everybody for all your help and I am sure there will be many more questions.
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