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nam vet

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Everything posted by nam vet

  1. Anybody converted a B61 over to a more practical power steering? Mine has the old style with the PS pump mounted on the back of the generator but its going to get changed to an updated alternator so I loose my pump. Thanks
  2. 1962 B422 Gas Termodine Engine. Positive ground or negative ground??
  3. Maybe this will help somebody in the future. These were used in a 1957 B62, so your part #'s might be different. The bearing is Fafnir 310K the seals are 18472. I do have some pictures and a description of how I took the carrier/hanger unit apart if anybody needs help with theirs. I will be glad to post the info here.
  4. Frank Y. Thanks for all that info. I wrote down the seal #'s wrong so thats probably why I couldnt find a cross reference
  5. Just as a side note. I know the bearings and seals have #'s on them. The # on the seal doesn't cross reference over to anything and as of now this part is still useable and I don't want to destroy anything trying to take it apart to get to the bearing #"s
  6. Here are some pictures of my DRIVESHAFT hanger/carrier bearing from my B62. The B's ceased production in 1966 so this is an old style set up. The flat plate bolts to the flat face of the crossmember,two legs hang down,the two seals and bearing are in the cast housing. The spline of the driveshaft goes thru the bearing and is held in place with a nut and cotter pin. Just wondering if anybody had seal and bearing #"s to rebuild this setup.
  7. Working on my B62 that has a long frame so the driveshaft has a hanger/carrier bearing. It looks original with a plate that bolts to the crossmember,two legs that extended down to a housing that pivots and the bearing is pressed into the housing. Anyone had any luck rebuilding theirs and if so what parts #s did you use? There are two seals and the bearing. Thanks
  8. D Day Thanks again for your help. I decided to go for it and just push the engine/trans back the 3or 4in. I need to make the front rad support bolt up in the right place. I found a driveline shop that says they can shorten the driveshaft and it looks like the rest is fabrication mounts,exhaust,clutch linkage etc. Thanks again.
  9. Is this a common problem with B model owners that change to a twin disc? It makes the trans to long and either pushes the motor forward and hits the rad mount or it moves the trans back and the mounts need to be moved back and the driveshaft needs to be shortened? What solution is everybody using?
  10. Ok I have been doing some research. My problem with my drive line being too long is not the frame or wrong motor. My problem seems to be in the transmission area. I originally thought it was a triplex, but its a Mack 10 speed, 5 speeds with a hi and low. After looking at a ton of pictures on the internet it looks like there are two different widths for the flywheel housing and the clutch housing. One picture showed a very skinny housing for both of them, the trans was a duplex and has the drum on it for the emergency brake like mine, which looks like it will solve my problem. In the other picture both housings were wide, and the flywheel housing had a small removable vent cover on the top, just like mine. and a drum for the e brake. This trans was also a duplex. Both were early 58/59/60's B model Macks. Anybody know why 2 different widths??. I would really like to fix mine correctly instead of moving trans mounts and shortening drive shafts etc. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. D Day thanks for your all your help and pictures. Your second picture looks like my mount. I found the part numbers right on the top next to that middle web. They were covered in rust. Thanks again!
  12. Ok two more questions. this is about B model trans mounts. On the top of the trans mount,not the frame mount,there is a part # cast in between the webs. Could somebody tell me what that # is? Could be right or left just tell me which side and the #. Also my B has the emergency brake drum on the driveshaft. Its a long frame with a twin screw. My drum seems to far forward. It looks like it should be pretty much under the rear frame mount for the cab because it looks like the mount has been notched for the drum to fit into. Thanks
  13. Thanks for the info but the only engine mount is a cradle that bolts behind the crankshaft pulleys and damper on the engine and goes from frame rail to frame rail. There seems to be only location for the two trans mounts because the frame rails are not factory drilled with any extra holes to be able to move the mounts forward or backwards. Somebody suggested the B model registry and that it has a lot of useful info. I am going to give that a try.
  14. Thanks for the response. So possibly the frame is not my problem. My b62 was originally built with an en464a gas engine. Over the years it was converted to a 673 but the installation wasn't 100% correct. Does anyone know if the 464a engine was shorter than the 673 diesel? The 673 sits a couple of inches to far forward so the fan hits the rad and the crank balancer rubs the rad support
  15. I have a 1957 b62sx that was originally equiped with a 464a gas engine with a triplex trans. Sometime over the years it was converted to a----according to the info on the timimg gear cover-endt673. Problem is the engine seems to long. The front radiator support was modified further forward because the balancer on the front of the engine was rubbing and the fan was hitting the radiator. Because the support was moved forward it threw all the front sheet metal out of position by 2/3 inches. Doesnt look right. Two questions. Are the truck frame rails for the gas motors shorter than trucks with diesel motors??? Are there different widths for the flywheel/clutch bellhousing that would possibly pull the motor back that 2/3inches? Thanks Bob
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