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Everything posted by MACK321

  1. It was the passenger front axle no code I drove it bobtail home and didn't lock
  2. Just picked up the truck today it was a wheel speed sensor
  3. Yeah I understand it's at a shop getting looked at
  4. thank you Joey your the man thanks for all your help and the other guys too for taking the time and trying to help me out I will give you guys in update once I find the problem
  5. No my mechanic said it might be it and replaced it
  6. Joey there is local lots of local shops but don't think anyone of them have a Roller BrakeTester and most the local shops are busy they would keep the truck for weeks before looking at it and not the same as you think now a days most of them just want your money not fix your truck
  7. Hayseed only place is the dealer and they won't take my truck it's deleted and the start crying if I bring my truck to them
  8. Mark T chamber is brand new put it in 2 weeks ago
  9. Paul i am taking this seriously I show all the messages to my mechanic and we checked everything as you guys saying
  10. I lowered the height of the suspension too was siting little high
  11. I will take a picture of it tomorrow I don't know what type of valve it is
  12. So I replaced all my drums and shoes replaced slack and cam on the axle that is locking nothing changed still locking
  13. I will in a bit left the yard
  14. Heading to the yard to measure the height
  15. ride height adjustment How do I know if it's to high and can I adjust it
  16. Tires all the same size
  17. Drums are webb drums and haldex shoes so yeah if I am bobtailing it does it and if I'm driving empty too when I have a load on there seems like it's not locking up
  18. Okay thank you I will take it to another shop just to make sure
  19. Hey Paul I did what you said to do checked it with the mechanic everything checked out good would anything with abs wires. sensors can cause that issue
  20. Paul thanks I will show this to my mechanic they just trying to play the guessing game first they said might be the brake chamber replaced that and nothing changed
  21. My mechanic said that the shoes and drums look new I never replaced them
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