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    77 352H Pete
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    I drive a truck. That's about much as I can say. Hobbies would involve free time. Who has that ?

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  1. They had a couple Freightliner power liners. Those were the Freightliners with those big grills
  2. Yeah. They called Monfort trucks,"monfort circus wagons"
  3. Yep. That's the title.
  4. Ken Monfort told his drivers (this is not verbatim but close). +I want my meat there yesterday . So move your ass. If you get a speeding ticket,bring it to me,I'll pay the damn thing".
  5. Yeah. In the days of 55 mph,Monfort would being doing 90 plus. Back in the day,a Monfort truck would rolling into or leaving,the northeast markets (New York,Massachusetts jersey, etc.) Every hour. Ken Monfort told his drivers (this is not verbatim, but close enough),"I want my meat there yesterday. Drive as fast as you can. If you get a speeding ticket,bring it to me,I'll pay the damn thing". Monfort trucks were rarely seen sitting idle st a truck stop
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