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Scrubby veiw

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    Mack Trident 2003 and 2006 vision

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  1. No problem will give it a try thanks
  2. Hi just going back through old messages can I just swap the ecms if they are the same without causing any issues have been told that would have to reprogram the truck computer to match thanks
  3. Looks like weld would still be under warranty
  4. Checked wastegate it has a spot of weld on the thread so it can’t be adjusted bought from local Mack dealer so not sure if it should have or not
  5. Thanks we have changed all hoses new intercooler new manifold new injectors three of the eups have been replaced due to slight leaks and bringing up faults it had steel manifold gaskets will have to check turbo watergate I’m sure the adjustment on the new turbo had a spot weld on it so it couldn’t move but will double check . Before we swapped the engine out we swapped the turbo made no difference then they put on a brand new wategate because that was apparently the problem that made no difference nearly ready to throw petrol and matches at it
  6. Have just put a new muffler the last one was blocked solid but didn’t seem to improve it at all but thanks
  7. Have suggested to mechanic to swap ecms in trucks he says not that simple has to reprogram the truck computer to match ecm so I don’t know thought there might be a sensor somewhere or something sick of throwing money at have just been putting up with it last six months but it is giving me the shits it doesn’t bring any codes up
  8. The vision boosts slightly higher about 24 this one only gets to 21-22
  9. Hi sorry for the late reply it does have a wastegated turbo the other truck blows black smoke every time you put your foot to the floor this one blows next to no smoke which to me says it’s a fuel problem have had all the so called Mack experts play with it changed ecm changed turbo on old motor three times nothing changes it’s like a 2 stroke moterbike just won’t pull down low even when you get it going it’s still a gear worse than the other one in the hills about 10-15 km per hour slower at 20 tonne in town you have to use all 18 gears to keep the revs up or it just stops
  10. Hi all here in Aust have a trident with 470 Ccrs has serious power problems very sluggish down low in the revs if you could keep above 1500 isn’t so bad . This has been ongoing for 2 years in that time has had a complete new crate motor installed only thing under the bonnet that hasn’t been replaced is the starter motor and alternator. Has made no difference to old motor so thinking sensor or something tried numerous mechanics and still driving a slow truck .Have a. Vision with same engine completely different engine to drive it has torque range from 1100 to 1700 any help would be appreciated
  11. Power problems doesn't blow any smoke when push peddle to the floor get occasional injector 3 fault code anyone have any ideas where to start thanks
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