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    2002 Mack rd688s e7 350

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  1. My fuse panel only goes to 31. Am I missing something?
  2. Any help is appreciated… I have a 2002 RD688S E7 350. My reverse light and back up alarm came on and wouldn’t go off so I replaced the reverse switch on the trans (Eaton 8ll) all looked good and worked for a few trips then nothing. My reverse lines on the dash cam stopped showing then I noticed the lights and alarm stopped checked all wiring and it all seems ok. Also bought the sensor new from the local Mack dealership. Is there any fuses or relays for reverse lights? My diagram doesn’t read any listed out, so I’m at a loss at this point on things to try.
  3. Thanks. I removed the secondary fuel tank sometime ago to lighten truck and add a place for my tools and I you just jogged my memory that it held the fuel cross line.
  4. Any help is appreciated. I’ve been trying to find out what this bar is called. Keeps popping out and snapping welds with and with out loads on my tri axel dump truck. I thought it’s call a suspension stabilizer bar but Mack dealer says never seen that bar before or heard of Mack having something where mine is. (zip ties were to get it home with out dragging on pavement) bar runs between both suspension brackets and mounts are L shaped.
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