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old soldier

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    Albany, Georgia

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    1974 F785

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  1. I have since gotten it back, but I still want another one. The mechanic who has my truck has done no work, so I am going to take it from him. I will need one to get the old truck up on the trailer, and I saw what the restoration expert did and I don't want to risk bending it or marring it in any way. The truck is near Memphis, Tennessee.
  2. On that F Model that you sold:  was it equipped with an air-assist steering unit?  I am interested in trying to install one on my F Model.


    Thank you.

  3. By that I would ask is there any way to talk you into selling it? Thank you.
  4. I had the one in the truck refurbished, and I don't want to reinstall it while I am working on it. Looking for a junk steering wheel to use just to move it around. I don't know what the spline and shaft size is, I was hoping that if somebody had one to offer they would know the fitment. Thank you.
  5. 1974 F785. Sent my steering wheel for restoration. I would like to put a junk steering wheel in its place so that I can move it around as necessary. Are the splines unique, or will any Mack steering wheel work? Thank you.
  6. 1974 Mack F785. I am investigating the best route to retrofitting power steering on the old truck. The question is: was power steering available back then such that I could find (maybe) a junk truck that is equipped with power steering and obtain the parts (or at least understand what I am going to have to buy to get it done), or does that air assist work well enough to rely on? Thank you very much.
  7. I have recently purchased a F785 from 1974. I have no manuals, parts, operator's, maintenance. Any assistance would be appreciated as I have as yet been unable to locate any using the internet. Thank you.
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