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About 87valueliner

  • Birthday 02/09/1975


  • Location
    s.e. Louisiana

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    Macks and fast Chevys,fishing,guy stuff
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  1. There went your lottery chance. Great story.
  2. Like Trent said check ebay often, have seen many different colors on there.
  3. Hi, I have a 1988 E6-350 4 valve engine that came out of a MH cabover that I want to put in my 1987 Valueliner. The engine has the cast alum. timing cover on it now, but I need to change to the stamped steel cover due to the front crossmember on my truck. All the Mack engines I have seen with the steel cover have Ambac Injection Pumps and I have the close coupled Bosch pump. Is it really just as simple as swapping the timing covers? Thanks for any advice, Kevin
  4. Mine came new with the regular E6-350, not the E6-350L
  5. The charge air cooler on my 87 model with a 4v 350 is 3md 53b according to the book.
  6. Sorry I overlooked this post , but I am a member of a site called chevytalk.com that might can help you. They cover everything GM old to new, cars and trucks. Each body style has it's own forum.
  7. Superdog and David, I might be interested in one of your sleepers especially the dual cutouts. I can't find a door for mine anywhere. Thanks, Kevin
  8. The Able sleeper on my truck measures 85" across. Its a 36" sleeper and on the exhaust cutout it measures 28 1/4 from back of sleeper to where cutout begins. Hope that helps and wasn't too confusing. Kevin
  9. About a month ago I bought a 68 cornfield caddy tandem with a 220 Cummins, 10 speed and 750 Holmes deluxe body. Went to New Orleans today (about a 150 mile round trip) and picked up a flooded 6 yard dump with it. Old girl runs good and doesn't use oil, but is low on power. I'll be glad to get the Mack running and get the body over on it. Kevin
  10. Thanks for the reply as i'll probably be leaving this afternoon. Should be a fun trip back down through the Ozarks. Thanks again, Kevin
  11. Hello, I'm about to buy a truck with a 220 Cummins in it. Anything bad to look for as I'll be making a 700 mile trip back with it. Also any info appreciated. Thanks in advance, Kevin
  12. Yea, whats the scoop on the red Mack next to it? Enquiring minds want to know.
  13. There are some different frame sizes in Macks. The smaller frame is probably the standard R- model frame. The taller, wider frame is probably the RD frame. As far as a difference between Superliners, I don't know. Go to the old boards and look under my old name 87RS688lst as I asked a similar question not long ago, might have some info to help. Kevin
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