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    Ohio, USA

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  • My Truck
    1989 Mack RD690SX Dump
  • Interests
    Family, Hunting, Shooting, plumbing and excavation contractor

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  1. I replaced the same mirror within the last year, bought from Berube's. Here is the product page: https://berubes.com/collections/mirrors/products/mt-fender-mirror-assemblies It's a little confusing as you have to scroll through all of the options on the page and find the exact one you need, regarding size, number of legs, etc. Don't know if you still need them but hope that helps.
  2. OK, no interest...they are going in the trash.
  3. Came out of an '89 RD. Latches work fine; belts are old, dirty and a bit stiff. All original hardware is there. Just didn't want to throw them away if someone needed them. $10.00 for the pair plus shipping.
  4. My '89 R model is lap only.
  5. Thank you for the response. What you're saying makes sense, and I will probably have more answers once I have the title in hand. I have been waiting 6 weeks for the title, and it is supposedly on its way to me now. My purpose is to make sure I'm not overloaded, know my max payload, etc. Didn't know if someone could look at a VIN or pictures of the axles and be able to tell easily. Truck is a tandem with no pushers. How would one get ahold of the Mack museum?
  6. I have recently purchased an '89 RD690SX dump truck. I need to know the weight rating of the truck and front/rear axles, but the door tag is completely unreadable. I was hoping based on VIN a local dealership could help, but after calling 3 of them and the Mack general office have gotten nowhere. Is there a way to figure this out based on VIN, or another way?
  7. Yikes! they are proud of it. Thank you sir.
  8. I realize this is an old thread, but I am looking for one of these emblems. In the off chance you still have it...I would be interested. Jerry
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