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Everything posted by Supermutt

  1. Might be able to pick up the whole truck for $1500. I am trying to get the vin. All I know is it was parked 3 years ago. Has a water tank on it. He said it ran good when parked. He picked up a newer water truck.
  2. Was the 375, 866 any better than the 864 or 865 ? I am wondering if it’s worth picking up. I am kinda surprised at how clean it is.
  3. I know it’s pretty difficult to identify with just some pics. If it’s the 866 I wonder if it’s the 375hp version. I read somewhere that Mack put the 12spd behind the 375. The cab interior pic looks like a 12spd. The truck is supposed to be a 74, R700. So was the 375hp version available in 74 ? So difficult to get definitive info on the old v8’s.
  4. Here are some additional pics of the V8 I am trying to identify. Hopefully in a week or so I may see it in person.
  5. Some trivia I guess. Can anyone tell which version v8 this was ? All I have are the pics at this point. 864,865 maybe 866 ? Sitting in a field in Wyoming. Thanks
  6. Possibly Joey, just looking around. It seems that the e9’s are not coming down that much in price. I hear these stories of guys picking them up for 7,8 10 or 15k. But, from what I see looking under every rock lol I have not seen anything under 25k. As far as too much idling that could definitely be a contender. It’s a log truck with a loader on it.
  7. I agree Joey. Trying to reach the guy about the truck. All I know is that could spell big $$
  8. Yes, not knowing much about the engine at this point I was wondering if all the residual oil leaking from the manifold was a bad omen ? It’s been a longggg time sine I ran a E9.
  9. looking for some E9 thoughts. I have no idea at this point how it runs or if it smokes. Please take a look at this pic and feel free to share your thoughts. thank you !
  10. Not sure, but I may have more enthusiasm to do an inframe versus cleaning this out lol.
  11. Thanks guys, I appreciate it !!! Makes sense because you can hear the fan motor running strong on high but it sure isn’t pushing the AC out like high. 104 here yesterday. 🥵
  12. ok, I realize I should know this but…. Does a 96 DM688 have a cabin air filter and if so what is the location ? Just recharged my AC and it’s working again but not blowing well. So filter could be one item along with duct doors etc. Thanks for any help !
  13. I was thinking I shouldn’t see or have any gummy tar like residue on the compressor side. On my hands it was tar like.
  14. Also getting increased blow by in the last 2 days.
  15. More issues. Just pulled the boost hose off the turbo looking for causes of bluish smoke and some oil consumption. So I don’t think what I found is good. Sooty, black and tar like on the compressor side of turbo. Not like some I have seen soaked with oil. Here are some pics. Could this be enough to cause on and on bluish smoke all of a sudden. Boost only hits 20-25 max with the pump opened up. Should hit 30 +++ in my opinion Almost looks like exhaust going into the compressor side ? Will look at intake tomorrow.
  16. This is good stuff Joey ! Thank you for taking the time and sharing. As well as everyone else that provides help !
  17. Joey I sent you a message. 4:10mtn 6:10 East thanks
  18. Also as I said earlier if you turn the Jake on and put your finger on the relays at the same time you can feel them chattering away even though the Jake is doing nothing.
  19. Ok. Now at idle the Jake started to sputter, like try to come on for half a sec. Checked the voltage on front head while it was doing that and it’s all over the map. 14,11,7,12,3 etc
  20. Front head engine of Jake on 12.38v. Engine running 13.6v. Jake worked that time. At idle stalled it out almost instantly. This things going to drive me batty.
  21. Here’s a pic of the pump switch.
  22. Thanks guys ! I appreciate it. I will post a pic of the pump switch
  23. Joey do you think either of those switches could cause low voltage ? In my experience they either worked or didn’t. Open/closed. At least on the e6. I see the pump switch is a bit different on this e7. Think there is a diode there to.
  24. Engine/Truck is a 1996. No I did not check voltage. But I will. Thank you !
  25. Ok guys I know there have been a number of Jake brake topics as of late. But none seem to fit my issue. Looking for help in narrowing this down. The Jake will work intermittently when it feels like it. When it does it works strong. Some times it will come on like it has low voltage. Almost like it’s trying but not quite. With the Jake switch on both relays feel like the contacts are chattering away but no Jake. Oil pressure is great. 20 plus hot at idle. Then goes right up to 50-60 off idle. So if I turn the Jake on like I just did it was delayed. I then went and run a jumper from the alternator to the head and instant Jake (strong) would have stalled the engine. So could this be the relays ? Should they be clicking away non stop with the switch on ? I don’t think it’s a switch but anything is possible. I recently changed injectors and when the valve covers were off I pushed on the solenoid’s and instant Jake. For the record I had this issue prior to replacing the injectors. The truck is a 1996 DM688S, e7 350, full mechanical. Thanks for any help !
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