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Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by tundra

  1. if i wassa truck cop i would be suspisious of that ratty mack with a ford grocery getter drag car in the trailer goim down a public highway somethins gotta be wrong here!!! lol congrats larry
  2. did manage to finally get outside [on crutches] yesterday was nice after 3 weeks still kinda weak but i think iam gettin there slowly
  3. i had already figgered that if i talk nuff smack bought eddy he would resurface eventually lol
  4. they were truly ;;hand built;; trucks they had numerous buildings and parts were carried by forklifts and cranes thru different phases of the build sometimes it was hard to tell if you were looking at truck parts or rocket launcher parts and such
  5. the government had lottsa marmoms mainly due to there ongoing federal contracts they had in there aviation ground support buisness mater of fact most all the portable stairs that are mounted on trucks to enter aircraft were built by marmon i used to be a dealer for marmon and went to there plant in garland texas several times i sold the only new and speced out marmon conventional to come here to alaska years ago
  6. thanks guy iam still hear[kinda] iam just now getting home tonight from the hospital i fell and broke my left leg while workim on one of my trucks they inserted steel rods and found that i had had a heart attack[blacked out] while there i had second much worse heart attack so iv spent a few weeks in the icu unit for heart surgery but iam back home so i guess you guys will haveta put up with me fer awhile longer
  7. guess eddy musta got tired a babysittin and payin the bills btw as some may know it is heartwrenching for me ta feel i should post from this mack site but i dont participate in any social media either lol
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