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05 CV713

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  1. I have a '59 B61 with quadruplex transmission.  There is WAY too much free travel in the clutch pedal, but, if you start it in gear, it creeps ahead.  I need to adjust the clutch and take some of the free travel out, which should also solve the creep problem.  I cannot find an adjuster bolt on the clutch.  Can this clutch be adjusted on the clutch itself or does it have to be done via the linkage?  The only thing that I can see through the inspection hole on the clutch face is a big hex head bolt that looks like it takes an inch and an eighth wrench.  This doesn't look like an adjuster.

    1. 05 CV713

      05 CV713

      I don’t know either, I have never worked on a Mack that old. Give that hex a turn and see what happens you can always turn it back if it doesn’t produce the desired result.

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