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Everything posted by fjdrill

  1. Got the truck bought. Finally moved it home. The family had taken all the keys out of loader tractors and trucks that were in the way to stop the old fellow from driving them. Could not locate the keys -His brother came with backhoe and loaded. Truck came with a bare L model cab, two extra parts doors, low back air ride seat and 87' Military O/H Cummins 250 fan to clutch. Once got it out of weeds & bushes found it had been lengthened. Must be 16-18' behind cab. Thinking it had a rollback in previous life. Looking for a single axle, Glove box door and headlight mount now. Going to start on cab and drive line after I get the B833 home. Got to get some other jobs finished first. And Brian thanks for the good breakfast! Came to find out Brian had pulled me in to a location with a dozer to lay down and move a rig out of one muddy location.
  2. Wonder what part of west Texas? Ft Worth to El Paso isn't but 600 miles.
  3. Where are they located?
  4. That is a White/Hercules D298. 70-80 HP. Dad had one on a Generator.
  5. Depends on when I get thru at Johnsons. I could spend half a day looking there. Planning on next stop in Olney. Thinking I'm spending the night somewhere. PM me your phone number. we'll see if we can meet up.
  6. Yep, that's the truck. I drove it loading pumps and tubs on that yard after the sale. Brought it back, water pump went out replaced with rebuilt and never added coolant. Just sat until May of this year. Pushed 10-15' fired right off. He had another truck that was NW of Grayville Sitting on a well pad. Think it was an LJ. No hood and was pretty Rough. Did you see the twin steer that was in an earlier sale on same yard? Think it was a L-something. Had the exhaust thru hood. Cab set on treadplate deck. Think that was the Coolest winch truck I ever saw just needed another winch. Oh, and that was the coldest I have ever been loading out.
  7. Yep, going to Johnsons to look at some 24" tires. I know Crossville, Bought a Ideco spudder from Belford. Previous owner of my B833SX bought the truck from Sam Feber in Grayville.
  8. West of Evansville and down below Carmi. Might run up to Olney and see some people I haven't seen in a while. M & L well service (Olney) is having an Auction in Oct might look at the yards while I'm there, IDN yet. Where are You?
  9. West of Evansville and down below Carmi. Might run up to Olney and see some people I haven't seen in a while. M & L well service (Olney) is having an Auction in Oct might look at the yards while I'm there, IDN yet. Where are You?
  10. Thanks. Mackaholic. Going back in 2 weeks to pick up the truck. Waiting on nephew to finish cutting/hauling hay. The owner is an older fellow and I'll need someone else to help load. I'm excited. Now need to find some rears for it. Going to southern IN & IL next week. Looking for & picking up parts (Mainly tires and sliding rear window) for the B833SX. Again, thanks for the Info!!
  11. LTLT1D1178D is the S/N Then. Was having a hard time reading the last digit/letter. Any idea on year.
  12. Found S/N on RH frame. S/N: LTLT1D1178 last digit was either a U or a D. Pretty sure it's a D. Thought was O but not stamped as heavy on top and bottom corners are rounded different.. Will have to brush or sandpaper it.
  13. Don' know how to post pictures-Sorry! PM phone # and can Msg them. ( something bout old dog and new tricks.) The 80 something YO owner said truck is a LJ -Sure looks like a LTL. Anyway, she's pretty much a glider kit w/ nice fenders, hood and cab+ single frame. Going back next week to make the deal. Thanks! Knew there was a # somewhere.
  14. Is there a serial number on the frame of an LTL or possible LTSW? Looked for a tag and could not find it. The truck did not have a handle on the driver side door and it was kind of snaky. Anyway, this is what you get into looking for B model parts--Sigh!
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