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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Swishy

  1. Here sa nother big beautiful beast Tri Drive 12V92T Evan sez: Never knew he converted it to tri-drive. From memory it's de-tuned to 700hp; twin turbo 12V92 Detroit. Originally an '80 or '81 TNT W-Model with a big ass amount of work on the bonnet extending the sides up 8 or so inches and raising the cab up on custom battery boxes. Hell of a nice truck and suprisingly quiet! cya
  2. I rst my case u're honor
  3. Your Volvo Auto truck comes with a make up mirror and you wear Hi Heels LOL cya
  4. Some Convoy NJoy cya
  5. When we gotta renew exhaust we cut to the chase n go stainless our local stainless (for food industry) does the fit the bill with a big choice clikn here will getcha there https://www.geordi.com.au/index.html just do a search for your local stainless supply cya
  6. surely if something sneaky is going on you wouldn't put lights on it for after dark flying it make it too obvious WotSezU? cya
  7. Thinkin kenworth got involved with fibre glass mainly hoods/bonnets and guards/fenders in the early 1960's I thort it was a advancement inherited from Sicard when Kenworth took them over Some info from 2013 cya
  8. Me thort think n back in history the first 'R' model macks had the 'B' model cab with a 'R' model tilt hood or was th@ only the flintstone model WotSezU? cya
  9. Bit of Tire/Tyre/ wheel info take it or leave it Cya
  10. Yes Grandaughter think n of me some where to rest my head when stay n O/Night @ the truck shows cya
  11. [img][/img] Amazon sez Convoy: The Comprehensive Yet Untold Story: A detailed history of Sam Peckinpah's 1978 film Convoy, its influence and its legacy Starting as a 1975 pop-culture song amid America's fascination with truckers and CB radios, C.W. McCall's song Convoy was turned into a feature length film by EMI Films in 1977 under the direction of the legendary Sam Peckinpah. What started as light movie based off of a thin script turned into an out-of-control production that became legendary for its disfunction and cost overruns. The cast of Convoy were strong enough to deliver solid performances despite the weak script and the magnificent talents of both Peckinpah and Harry Stradling Jr. were able to capture iconic imagery of 1970's trucking amid the breathtaking New Mexico landscape. Although EMI eventually removed Sam Peckinpah from the project, the film retained his name and became the highest grossing film of his career. Despite being panned by most critics, the film managed to turn quite a decent profit. In the 45 years since it was released, the film has maintained a high degree of popularity, particularly among the trucking community worldwide. This book tells the complete story of Convoy, from the historical events that led to the 1970's fascination with trucking and the song all the way through to the legacy the film has created. Using thousands of pages of historical records and over six-thousand behind-the-scenes photos to reconstruct the history, the book details the process of turning the song into the movie and documents the activities on set day-by-day. With the goal of being the most comprehensive collection of facts about the film, this book is not only the most authoritative work on the film to date, it also provides a glimpse into the madness and genius of Sam Peckinpah so late in his career. This book is a must-have for any fan of Convoy, American trucking or Sam Peckinpah
  12. Think n back in History I coulda lived with th@ flip out fenders etc
  13. Mrs m80 Mack did not offer the Mack 'B' model in RHD short cab 89" BBC me thinks but may B a cuple escaped to OZ from the U.S.  cya
  14. Don't think we ever got off set cabs unless a private import as Left hand drive guess n tooo hard to off set the cab to suit RHD from Mack Au cya
  15. Th@ Mack Flintstone may have not been available in Australia looks like a 90" BBC would have been a a real killer and in demand as we had short length laws way back when cya
  16. Mrs gudday m8 Jnr drives the Mack Titan now (me in Kenny) I drove it for the first 12 Months to do a shake down etc and appreciate the creature comforts any suspension good ...you feel every bump in the road when empty travel this then tends to keep U a wake LOL we have only replaced the 'V' bar on top off diff (torque rod doo dadd) the CH Mack has Air suspension not happy with it it lifts a wheel going round a roundabout and loose traction off the bitch u man Still nutn wrong with camel back LOL cya
  17. It is a presise operation to mount PTO with the correct thickness of gaskets you need to get a bit of backlash play when tightend up 1st you mount the PTO adapter then mount the PTO to adapter feeeling for a bit of backlash when fiddling with the gears or you gunna get a bit of noise when in use one PTO we mounted had to have one of the gears in the adapter ground away to make it fit I can't remember if it was a Mack box or RR cya
  18. wot eye notice brake backing plate welded to axle May B 15" not 16.1/2" drum & shoes to suit or taller rubber & rims cya
  19. No guarantee the Australian V: will exactly fit the U.S.V: unless the Au V: has U.S. markings on the glass Best-O-luck O cya
  20. gr8 find ADKAT thanx 4 th@ tiz a gr8 goer for a 350HP I n joy drive n it with the 12 speed OD box gives out 105/110 kph by 2days standards .......... it is lackin creature comforts Jus found a few UToobs burried in the hard drive LOL cya
  21. L@@ks like a picture hanging in the Post Office 'AMERICANS MOST WANTED' LOL good shot cya
  22. Many moons ago we had a 1978 Mack with positive ground it was a PIA ... mainly with our 2 way radio system (old valve Sets) ran seperated wires from battery with reverse polarity (negative to 2 way radio earh) lucky the 2Way was mounted on a fibre glass cab the reason they told us why positve earth was to try and stop battery terminals from corroding ....... Not sure if it worked as we had air start etc What Sez U? cya
  23. Thanx guys for your replys ...... great info I was hoping thar the seal could be replaced from the out side I don't feel confident in strippin the Sheppard down model Sheppard M110 P1 cya
  24. I have a 1998 CH Mack and the shepard steering box is leaking badly where the pitman arm is fiited to the output shaft of the box how to I go about replacing the seal etc on the output shaft thinking may be driver used the wrong oil any links to 'how to' Please thanks in advance
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