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Everything posted by Santos

  1. What exactly is that?
  2. To add, the truck technically doesn’t overheat. Water temp will go a bit over 180 but never in the red. At first The oil pressure would drop then shut down instantly but no longer does that. Now it just shuts off. We can’t get it scanned bc it only happens when I’m loaded. Idk what else to look for besides pressure sensor and oil pressure pump.
  3. Hi yall I hope I am creating the right post for my question. I’m new here. Anyways. I have a 1997 ch600. I’m having issue with the engine shutdown light. Lately it’s been happening now that it’s hot outside and only loaded. The light will turn on and after a couple of minutes of driving, the truck will turn off. At first the oil pressure would drop at truck would shut down. Pressure no longer drops. Water temp slightly increases but never in the red. I had ONLY the electric malfunction light on when I turned the key after it shutdown but hasn’t happened again. We have changed the alternator and coolant sensor so far. Next is the oil pressure sensor. Any leads are appreciated!
  4. Hi i currently have no turn signals or hazards. I purchased a relay from Napa and also installed another Mack’s turn signal switch and no luck. Anywhere else I should look at? Thanks.
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