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Everything posted by 97_Mack

  1. Sorry for not having checked in sooner guys. My father wound up getting sick so we haven't had a chance to take the floor and shifter out. As soon as we're able to do so I'll be back with news/other questions/etc.
  2. I will be heading over to have a look and give him a hand with this tomorrow. Thank you for your advice. And yes, it is a standard.
  3. I believe it is a 1997 CH613. It was in his yard, no trailer. He was attempting to move it when his wet boot slipped off the clutch. The clutch does still work as far as I know. I don't have any other info at this time. He just asked if I could look online for a solution before deciding if he has to bring it to a shop.
  4. My father's truck is stuck in gear after his foot slipped from the clutch. The shifter is in neutral but it appears stuck in the transmission? Possibly elsewhere? Any advice would be appreciated.
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