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  • Location
    Calhan CO

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  • My Truck
    1954 Mack LTL
  • Interests
    McCulloch chainsaws, Onan generators, all sorts of trucks, cars.

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  1. This truck has a hand operated parking brake lever with a cable running back to the linkage on the front axle.
  2. This truck has a hand operated parking brake lever with a cable running back to the linkage on the front axle.
  3. Wow thank you all for your help. I will try to find some of these parts.
  4. I have been told there is a way to upgrade to spring breaks on an LTL by using parts from an R model. Does anyone know how this goes?
  5. I could really use one of these new parts, as well as some other aluminum parts on my LTL.
  6. Wow this is amazing thank you for sharing your experience. I was not aware that a new casting could be done. My cab crossmember is broken in half so a new one might be a option…. If I can afford it. If you can share information about obtaining a new casting that would be great.
  7. I am sure the truck was over worked, I don’t know. Where does one find parts for these trucks?
  8. The trunnion mounts are cracked on my LTL, as well as the cross member under the cab. What have you guys done in this situation?
  9. I want to ask what others have done with cracked aluminum on their LTL trucks. I can’t get the picture to upload.
  10. Hello I just joined BMT. I have a 1954 Mack LTL. I want to talk with others about getting it going
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