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    2014 gu713

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  1. Thanks everyone. I still haven't nailed down what it is. I'm local so I've been using it some and hoping for a good outcome. I tried the hose trick and couldn't make any more sense of it. I also used a temp gun to check temps all over trans and both ptos and all temps are within + or - 10 degrees. We'll see what happens.
  2. I loosened up both ptos almost to where they would start leaking, ran everything for a minute and noticed no change in sound. I drove it and the whine is there in low range but the second you shift into high range it stops whining. The sound doesn't change using the splitter. Does that still sound like a pto problem?
  3. Both pros have been on since rebuild. They both are powering winches, tomorrow I will run each separately without running winches and report back. Thank you guys.
  4. Thank you for the replies. I should add, it has 30-40000 miles on it since rebuild. The noise started fairly recently. Last week I did notice some loose nuts on both ptos and tightened everything up.
  5. Forgot to mention. This is a rebuilt model from a dealer vendor. I'm not sure of vendors name.
  6. My t318 is making a whining noise that doesn't sound good. I think I only notice it in low range but maybe I just can't hear it in high. The trans has 2 ptos hanging on it. I normally hit the neutral switch and put it in gear in the morning and let her warm up some, the noise is very noticeable then. Anyone that has ideas or something to check would be much appreciated. I'm thinking the worst and hoping for the best.
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