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    1993 CH613

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  1. Wow, a lot to take in here! Thanks everyone for the responses! My truck does not have a Pyro so I can't see how hot the turbo is. I have checked for boost leaks and have not found any. I would say it pulls very strong for being such a small motor so I would guess not a boost leak issue? I will try pulling the CAC off, doing a thorough cleaning, and the thermostat, and go from there. In regards the the gauges accuracy I will try to check that as well. Part of me thinks if it's in the green don't worry about it, but at the same time that green range is pretty wide and it makes me nervous
  2. I do not have a picture of the fan but I do know it's a viscous fan, I can post a picture of the mount this weekend. Yes the AC is running now with the ambient temps being higher. I have not pulled the CAC off to clean behind it, but I did do the best job I could with it fully assembled. I will put that on the short list and I will also make sure to clean the fan hub. Thank you all for the responses I really appreciate it!
  3. I have a '93 ch613 with the 350 E7. I bought this truck September of last year and it has run great, now that we are getting into the warmer time of year I am noticing the temperature gauge moving up from 180 when pulling a full load. My question is, is it safe to operate as long as it stays within the green range? I have noticed the clutch fan stays running all the time, as soon as I start the truck even when cold the fan is always spinning . I changed the coolant back in April, the old coolant did not appear to be dirty but I was replacing the air compressor so it seemed like a good time to do a full coolant change. I'm including a picture of what my gauge looks like when the temperature gets above 180, sometimes it will go almost to the red but I have never seen it go into the red. Thanks for any help you all can give
  4. Far as I can tell from reading here and other forums, the E7 350, 400, and 427 are the same motor, just with different turbo, injectors, and camshaft. So turning a 350 up to 400 or 427 doesn't sound like it's asking too much of the drivetrain.
  5. Hi everbody, long time listener first time caller. I recently picked up a 93 CH613. It has a 350 with Vmac1 and a 9speed Eaton. I'm using it to haul logs and it has done surprisingly well hauling 80k. That being said I would definitely like to get a little more power out of the motor. I see these tuner programmer things that claim 10-30% power increase, has anybody on here used one without upgrading turbo or injectors? I'd definitely like to get 400-425 but not if that means great risk of engine failure. Thanks for any advice y'all can give
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