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About CF-Firefighter


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    Middle TN

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    1977 Mack CF795

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  1. Lost the turbo on the way to a Christmas parade on my cf700. prior to that the braided oil line from the oil galley to the air compressor let loose. figure it’s all related to oil starvation. anyone know about sourcing a turbo for an 865?
  2. That’s awesome! Thank you. They must of spent a lot of money over the years keeping it nice and updating it. Would have been neat to drive with the 5 speed for sure.
  3. Ok that makes sense could be like a filter relocation. Does it crank right up after you have had it running and shut it off? Does it have an electric lift pump or just the mechanical? If electric, turn it on and check for leaks. But places I’ve noticed, hand primer and old braided fuel lines. Just follow the line from the tank, to the filters, to the injection pump. Then check the return lines. Check lines tightness and wetness. Sometimes it’s an air leak and it won’t leak fuel but will suck air. that’s my very limited experience with these trucks I’m still learning. can be a pain to track down
  4. Are you sure those are oil filters? mine has an 865 but they are on the side of the block like most motors. Could be fuel filters or trans filters. From the sounds of what you describe, it could be loosing prime when sitting. If it ran fine before a doesn’t after this winter I’d suspect air in the system. If those are fuel filters, it would make sense. id change them either way.
  5. You are correct, I had it mixed up. My truck had 10 20’s and now has 11r’s.
  6. Hey brother, fulltime company officer in a metro department and also a CF700 owner. I havent seen Daytons on a front line rig in a long time. My truck has the daytons and originally had the 11-20’s. Now it has 11r22.5’s on daytons. Not sure if they are the original wheels adapted. But if you need pictures I can post some of the wheel tire set up.
  7. 865/866 are the same engine. Some different parts. One is a Thermodyne, One a Maxidyne. But physically they are identical. I believe so. I’m not an expert by any stretch but own an 865. It doesn’t leak and runs very well. They seem built tough, just repairs are expensive and hard parts are a bit of a search. I’m not scared of mine, it’s just in a toy though it’s not a working truck. don’t think there were any huge issues. I’ve heard of people talking about rolling bearings in them after some time for prevention, an oil pump relive spring that can get weak, head gaskets if not kept torqued. But other then that nothing that I know of.
  8. I believe it was. I don’t think the 864 made it out of the 60’s. Atleast in fire trucks the 865/866 were available I think 73-79ish time frame in CF-700’s Most 866’s were 375 hp. I’m sure they had some lesser ratings for oddball stuff.
  9. Looks like an 866 Thermodyne to me. If it was gold it would have been an 865 Maxidyne.
  10. Good advice. I remember seeing on top of the tank a make and serial number. But didn’t look inside the lid. thanks I’d appreciate the info. I’ll get some more pictures for you guys when I get a chance
  11. For that I am glad. Someone spent the money to keep her nice.
  12. Thank you sir. I’m looking for working photos, history on any major jobs she was on, anything significant. Did they have it swapped to an automatic or was it done at refurb. Do they know what it cost new? Any significant repairs over the years? Pictures. It’s neat they wanted to buy it back. Right now she is in a good place and I have no intention of it leaving. It is sort of the canvas of my career. I’m collecting items I have used. For instance I am picking up a set of hydraulics tomorrow vintage Lukas. I spent 8.5 years on a Rescue. I want to have it so when my kids are older they can look at the things and ask me questions or maybe their kids. A place to display something that means a lot to me and has both gotten me through rough times, and put me in rough situations. However it is something I truly love. sweet L btw
  13. Thank you sir, I am glad to hear it was well cared for. It certainly shows. I come from a place that if an apparatus is 5-6 years old, if it isn’t worn out, it has 100k miles on it. So to me it surly is a treasure. Wish I could find out more about its past.
  14. Well, I got off Shift this morning and came home went out to look at the truck. I’m guessing they raised the hose bed. It’s only about 6” deep. The Poly Tank looks brand new. Does anyone have any info on the 865 engine that is in it? Reliability and such. It doesn’t appear to leak anything and it hasn’t used much if any oil since I have owned it. One issue I need to figure out is the dash engine temp gauge. It just bounces around between cold and pegged. I don’t know if that’s the gauge or the sending unit. The temp gauge on the pump panel says it runs between 175 and 190 depending on outside temp. I drove it home in 100 degrees and the warmest I saw was 195 over the 150 mile trip.
  15. Hmm, guess the only way to know for sure is to fill it up and time how long it takes to drain. In theory, one 1.75 inch line would last close to 10 min flowing if 1000 gallons. Half that if 500 to know for sure. thank you both for the knowledge.
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