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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. tried that. I found a tune-up manual on ebay for my year, should have the information. Thanks for the input, gentlemen
  2. I think 19 is a little high for a V-Mac from my reading. 19 is fine for a fixed timing mechanical E7 , mine is an electronic E7 with the econo-vance, everything I've seen has been said between 5-11, but I have yet to find the timing for my pump, my hp rating on a V-Mac 1
  3. No it's V-MAC 1 so it's electronic controls on the bosch pump. Bosch number 0402 796802
  4. I'm looking for the initial injection timing. A follow up question: does the 1994 manual have information only for 1994 model year engines or does it go back a a couple years?
  5. Does this manual have the same information for a 1991 E7-350HP VMAC-1? If so, Can you post it? I'm pulling my hair out trying to find this information as someone pulled the data tag off my engine. Thanks in advance
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