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Artful dodger

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Everything posted by Artful dodger

  1. Fjh its dodger how are you buddy I just started a topic it’s weird radiator issues if you can find it and read it I need ur help thanks

  2. I lost 3 gallons of antifreeze all over parking lot filled it back up it started dripping from I think bottom of radiator ..I topped it off again drove it home parked it no leak ?? So I’m losing about 2 gallons everyday it’s not in the oil at all sometimes it leaks sometimes it doesn’t but wether it’s leaking or not I still lose the antifreeze??
  3. Bud you are in the ideal spot to help out you did nothing but help. Part numbers availability I don’t forget folks that go out of their way for me. And going forward am going to get an account set up with folks that take their time to help others who are struggling. If there is one thing I’ve learned in all this and what my family is going thru with my dad is it’s still ok to believe in people and invest in helping, that there are believe it or not good people still out there.. a little restoration in humanity man don’t stop helping folks on this forum your very knowledgeable and selling parts is only part of it the other part is knowing you had a part in picking someone up off the floor that didn’t have very many hands to choose from … Thanks buddy and we will get there with the account and the parts I tell my kids everyday it seems that if your good to folks they will be good in return and if they arnt then at least your conscience is clear and you can rest easy..
  4. Hello fellas Fjh, joeymack, Hienz . i appreciate what you all did for for me stickin with me on this last ordeal I know sometimes im not easy to deal with being full of questions all the time and pretty ignorant to Mack’s in general . I did however learn a great deal about what I have what can and can’t be done with it what shit is actually called instead of my outstanding descriptions of parts.. we finished up used front1/3 of manifold $200 compressor with gear $1600 6 new eups $2300 and studs and gaskets a whopping $1300.00 new air filter new airline out of compressor new fuel return line . I know that I probably could have got some stuff cheaper from Hienz but I didn’t want to aggravate an already uneasy situation so I just stepped back i think it was a good decision..guy workin on it did a very good job so we have hauled a bit with it and more lag or delay in the throttle response no more smoke air is clean and dry turbo spooling up well climbed a hill this morning that 2 weeks ago with 18 tons in the bed I had to climb in 3 rd gear walked up it this morning in 6 th so power is better
  5. Ya I do too and I honestly haven’t even been around him except one other time since he has had the truck and try to keep my distance. Great mechanic but has never laid eyes on this particular Mack engine it wasn’t multiple ? I asked it was 1 but it’s ok and yes the cal numbers and locations are being put in he has software for that. Cross fingers we are done today
  6. Hey fellas it’s late but I can’t find a bare wire or broken one anywhere we have looked got magnifiers and looked again the guy doin the work for me since I’m dealing with dad got pissed at me today for asking to many ? I guess thought I was questioning his ability I was not I was just curious spent time with dad today good visit so since I can’t find a bad wire I’ll replace the eups don’t wana but way I see it is it’s apart where we can get to them if put back together and it’s still throwing codes then I would have to have truck down again to take it all apart and change them anyway lose more days of work which I believe this happened so I could be with my dad so I’m not gona complain.. once it’s together is there anything else I need to do adjustment wise or anything I am gona take fuse panel on the firewall drivers side apart and clean everything again just to be sure
  7. I looked at eup wires till my head spun off fellas a couple questionable but not on the cylinders that where throwin faults is there a way to test these to see if they are working right. Also found out compressor that was on truck was not the correct compressor and found out there is a check valve in the fitting that goes into the block on the fuel return line whoda thought right so finding a 45 degree fitting with a check valve in it that fits is yet another egg hunt lol
  8. Ok will do thanks Joe headed out there now I’ve cleaned the contacts on them I didn’t see any bad wires but I’m gona look again now
  9. Hey fellas been absolutely slammed all three of my youngins had birthdays this week one the 9th one the 11th and one the 23 so 2 this week one next but anyway they are 8 12 and 26 so one big get together my dad was able to make the trip down here to see them my oldest is married and live 100 miles west of me and dad is bout 80 mile east of me so all three of my kids in the same place with grandpa was priceless.. so it takes a bit of time to get approved for an account with hienz and I just didn’t have enough put away to pay cash for anything else found a used front 1/3 of manifold for 150 and since it was throwing fault codes on three cylinders I asked clay to price 6 eups well ended up finding 6 for 2300 bones but they where not in stock so they where ordered Friday that’s the last thing I need and it goes back together manifold and compressor are on just need those eups and gona give it hell and and then pray a bit
  10. Mech these guys have been great to me he uses bold letters so I know it’s important I’m a novice on these Mack engines we managed to get the front 1/3 separated from the middle it took a bit of careful air hammer execution for sure the middle section has so much crap on it we are gona clean it all up tomorrow and check close for cracks gona try a set up u an account with Heinz’s tomorrow aso what got me stumped is what can be removed bypassed and plugged and not throw the ecm into panic mode and it shut down on me I need to find someone with a custom program when this All done . would gladly take anything you can offer as far as advice ?s I take all the help I can get fjh ,Joe and hienz are above and beyond good guys
  11. Ya sorry about that if folks just helped one another like we have done here what a world we would have. I’ll keep you posted have it back together tomorrow and hopefully runnin like a scalded dog
  12. Yo, may have to translate that I’m driving and it talk to text so some of that shit probably don’t make any sense
  13. Oh ya no your not offending me at all man I appreciate all of you center section is good air hammer and good lubricant did the trick going to replace the front third three of the injector things ECUs or EBU or whatever they called compressor turbo gasket and probably gonna order a new control valve controller for the gate. As soon as I get free of some money, I’m gonna have Hines get me the filter assembly for that VGT filter and put it back on there, we’re gonna run cleaner with this old valve for just a little while to try to get the old pushed out. I’ll change the lights change the valve controller and put the filter assembly on and then will be just like it was when it come out. Anything you have done I appreciate your help people these days. Don’t help strangers kind of refreshing to see it spend as much time with me as y’all.have
  14. Okay guys here’s the big ? We have clay is pretty salty with the Mack’s we have here and he owns 2 that are deleted he’s worried about how it’s programmed I’ll explain we can from pai I’ll probably need hienz for that get an exhaust manifold that will fit that doesn’t have a place for an egr valve comes in a kit with studs and gaskets so that would eliminate having to plate it but they only have 1 pipe out of the egr plugged so the s pipe with the 2 sensors on it is still moving exhaust if we eliminate it and cut those sensors out will it kill the boost we will get if it not programmed for them to be gone?
  15. Yea I did buddy if it’s good and he didn’t take it off I’m not gona risk it if that center pc is good if it’s not I don’t know what I’m gona do
  16. Okay I don’t know if he took edge valve off or not
  17. Okay high temp gasket maker or should I make something out of gasket naterial
  18. I carry an air hammer in the damn truck lol I’m headed out there I’ll keep u guys posted he made it sound like center was useable he’s worried we won’t get it apart
  19. How did what I just posted go to the other thread when I replied here
  20. No he didn’t man I’m headed to Lowe’s to grab some kroil and head out there to the truck when I crossed up the part numbers that Mack in spfld gave clay I got EEX-2054 for both. same part for front 1/3 and rear 1/3 I gotta get them apart today for sure and figure out how I’m gona get the part. I and everything I need with it gaskets studs the whole 9
  21. U bet thanks man. Where exactly does the 1/8 inch blockoff plate meet to go
  22. Fjh the block off plate I need would go under the square block at the eye valve correct
  23. Ya als is something man thank you for the kind words I have a ? I have never attempted this or had the need to is there a trick or process to getting the manifold into 3 pc again clay has told me we are gona be lucky to get it apart was wondering what u all would do to make that happen and not damage center section
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