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Artful dodger

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Everything posted by Artful dodger

  1. Ya I’m goin out there in the morning first thing I’m all over the place with dads diagnoses man i can’t think gotta get my shit together and get focused. I’ll get there
  2. Guys I can’t tell what thread I’m in or out of maybe should start a new one I think it’s just the front 1/3 that’s cracked I haven’t seen it yet going in the morning to make sure if exactly what I need
  3. He said manifold was junk but only cracked on the front 1/3 I’m going out there tomorrow and gona look at it myself
  4. Okay I’m tryin to figure this all out I sent you my ☎️ the shop it’s at might wana deal with you as well they run a lot of mp7 and mp8 engines this is first time they have seen anything like mine you ran my vin to get these pai parts correct can you give me an exact amount on it coming that far it can’t be wrong you can text me with the info
  5. I just put u in a post exhaust manifold is cracked bad can’t believe I couldn’t see it it’s where I knew it was leaking but thought just a gasket a buddy has it in his shop was gona just put the compressor turbo gasket and manifold gasket on. I had to step away and take care of my dad. Turns out he has Lou Gehrig’s disease not Parkinson’s so worse than what we thought have to get a manifold. I was hoping you guys. could help me find the right one if my buddy can’t
  6. Update fellas hienz fjh Joeymack exhaust manifold is cracked all to hell there’s our leak does pai make good parts they have the manifold and kit for 1000 I was wondering if hienz still had my vin and could tell me which one I need ??
  7. Awesome thank you I’ve posted several ? In last 12 hrs or so and they aren’t here for some reason idk I ll try and find them and resend don’t remember what I asked but it was relevant when I asked thanks fellas
  8. Turbo sweep you are referring to the position of the rod on the waste gate I assume so u can’t manually push that thing down unless I’m missing something cycle it enough somtimes it goes down if you start rev engine before you shut it off it strokes all the way out I don’t think the controller is working right with all the oil in it answer to ? Yes I mess with it till I get it in position turn on key cycle it and start it it runs good after that another ? We where talking about the sound it makes te Kirby sound it has been changing back and forth from low growl where it seems restricted to Kirby more often
  9. Ya so funny you say that everytime we hook it up to computer it has thrown 15 codes 15 times the signal codes to the cylinders waste gate it’s never thrown an egr code that’s what is confusing and is the soot coming from a leak in exhaust manifold ?? Idk where it’s coming out I can’t get enough soot off the damn thing to find a hotspot so idk we only found where we think the exhaust leak is by taking a pc of hose one end to your ear and move it around until you hear the leak tried soaping it and found that leak from egr tube. Which side of the egr does the air come in first it’s the blue boot under the red one they are on the same side? Reason I ask if it’s coming in that one if red boot isn’t block won’t exhaust go back into the engine?
  10. So I guess now my question is do I cut off the EGR flow or not do I cap it where the orange boot is ?
  11. Yes I have and I told the other 2 that you where correct in that if it starts in the right place it runs like a scalded dog however I found that if I let it blow smoke 1 time it changes the dynamic so I’ve really gotta watch not to lug it
  12. I guess is and just a guess is that the oil is in that controller I know it is I could see it so it’s probably not functioning properly and not putting enough air to the actuator. I did take the tube off again and turn the key on and make sure That it was cycling by pushing air so I don’t think you’re off track. I don’t think that Joe’s necessarily I’ll track either. I think that everybody’s got valid things that I need to look at if I could keep the turbo going by getting cleaner to it getting the valves cleaned out I’m gonna take that controller off and I believe when you guys are referring to controller you referring to that with the silver cylinder on top I think that’s what I’ve gathered from all this need to be cleaned out. I put fresh air on it. I’m gonna put on it and start cleaning out these valves.
  13. FJH good morning no you’re not off track yes in that circuit there is a plug from the pipe coming out of the left side of the EGR cooler. If you’re looking at it that picture it’s plugged up where it goes into that square block it where the EGR valve is, it was leaking at the clamp fix that that’s how we found out was deleted because it had a plug in it. Joe said I should camp off the red line coming in as well. The turbo is spooling up. There is no oil in that braided line going from the controller to the actuator, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not there already. I ordered a new compressor to get clean air started. There is an exhaust manifold leak I got exhaust manifold last night, gaskets Hines Hines can get me the filter assembly for that BGT filter so the new parts going on our compressor manifold gaskets I’m gonna try to find that filter and reroute those airlines back through it. Joe said that there shouldn’t be any exhaust going back into the manifold back into the engine , he said the shaped tube and leave the telephone pole alone
  14. Ok I can do that I hope I’m telling you guys everything correctly you have seen the motor and we are sure it’s an ac I’ll plug that change compressor have hienz get me new filter assembly I’ll show u better pic of what they did if I can find one
  15. Ok so leave that one be then where should I cap it
  16. Okay I’m gona dig up another pic you tell me cause the one we pulled that was plugged the one coming in on the left of the egr is plugged at the clamp
  17. Joe WTH is a telephone pipe and the 2 sensors if would let me send a damn picture are on a pipe running from the air to air on drivers side to another pipe on top the motor this one ?
  18. Ok so ima send 2 pics one of the two sensor pipe I think your talking about and a better shot of the one that’s plugged you tell me where the cap needs to go
  19. Yes hold on I’ll snap a pick of the pipe we pulled that was plugged I forgot about that the pipe coming out of her cooler that runs under the turbo to the egr valve is the one that was leaking air bad pulled it and it’s plugged
  20. You mean thru the egr everything is hooked up the way it would be if it was operational exhaust manifold gasket is on back order. does that sound right or am I being fed some horseshit about that cause they just forgot to get them ?
  21. Jesus Joe lmao you may be right !! Fellas I got compressor ordered it’s being shipped did not expect to be 1600 dollars but is what it is so I noticed today that if I run the truck and keep it from blowing smoke it stays running pretty well all day if I let it puke the smoke 1 time and it chokes itself it’s a fight from then on
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